Unpaid Wages Attorneys

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Did Your Employer Deny You Pay? Wage Attorneys at Consumer Attorneys Want to Help You Receive Fair Reimbursement!

If you have recently searched online for “unpaid wages attorney near me” or “wage lawyer near me,” keep reading. When an employer does not pay you for your labor, you have a right to receive payment. If you've been conducting searches for local wage attorneys in hopes of finding someone experienced, then you've come to the right place.

Our dedicated unpaid wages lawyers ensure that employers uphold the law and we provide you with advice for determining if you have a valid wage claim.

Your Rights Under the FLSA

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) lays out the rights you are owed, including the following:

  • Children’s Rights. The employment wages of children are restricted under this law which aims to protect young people from harsh working conditions that could jeopardize their health or general well-being.
  • Minimum Wage. Also known as the lowest wage permissible by law, the minimum wage is $7.25 per hour as of July 2009. State statutes set their own minimum wages, and employees are entitled to whichever amount is higher. If you are not paid as required by the law, you should speak with a minimum wage attorney now.
  • Overtime Payments. Getting paid additional compensation for extra time worked is applicable as part of the FLSA when non-exempt workers have worked more than forty hours in a work week.
  • Other Guidelines.To adhere to FLSA guidelines, employers must display a formal placard detailing FLSA obligations, in addition to a requirement to maintain a detailed record of employees' time and pay.

Contact an employment and wage lawyer if you believe an employer owes you money. We advise getting in touch with a legal practitioner who is skilled in helping clients claim unpaid money and find legal resolution.

File a Claim for Unpaid Wages

When you perform work at an agreed-upon rate of pay but are not paid for it, the money that is owed to you is called "unpaid" wages. To get compensation for your unpaid work, you should file a wage claim. Several state and federal laws are designed to protect employees from wage theft and to make sure that you are paid at least the minimum wage. If you want to receive the wages you are owed, reach out to a wage attorney. There are time limits for how long you have to file a lawsuit for unpaid wages claims. Get in touch with one of our wage law attorneys!

How Unpaid Wages Attorney Can Help You

A wage claim attorney who knows wage law is known by many names, such as wage discrimination lawyer, minimum wage lawyer, or wage disputes lawyer. Our unpaid wages attorneys can help to ensure that your employer is held accountable for lost wages. We can offer assistance in many ways, including the following:

  1. Our team of wage theft attorneys will discover if your employer is in arrears for wages owed
  2. We will meticulously compile evidence on your behalf
  3. Communicate with the court and opposing party for you
  4. Work out a deal with your employer in order to secure a settlement

Collaborating with a wage theft lawyer on our staff means having advocates and allies who understand the law and who have guided numerous clients in their pursuit of reimbursement.

Wage Discrimination Lawyers

Attorneys who are knowledgeable in wage discrimination represent clients who have been paid unfairly based on protected classes. Wage discrimination involves paying similarly situated employees different amounts based on different factors like their race, national origin, religion, age, and disability status.

Wage Theft Lawyers

You can stop your search for unpaid wages lawyers near me and give us a call! Our legal team will advocate diligently for you if you've faced the hardship of working for an employer who failed to pay you proper wages. In addition to seeking justice for unpaid time, our lawyers will also work to recover any overtime you are owed and work against illegal activities like misclassification, unlawful deductions, and more!

Unpaid Wages Lawyers’ Fees

Some attorneys require you to pay a retainer or an upfront payment that secures the attorney’s services. Not all Attorneys are the same, and they have the freedom to set their own fees. Many attorneys may work on a contingency basis requiring payment after a claim is won. The best attorney to secure unpaid wages for you will depend on several things, including your geographical location, the attorney's experience in that particular area of law, and whether or not the attorney works for a law firm that actually wins labor and employment law cases.

Discuss Your Wage Claim with Our Attorneys

If you need assistance getting the wages you deserve, please reach out to our law firm for an appointment. We’ll arrange a consultation with you to talk about missing wages, unpaid overtime, illegal wage deductions, and other payroll complaints with no out-of-pocket costs to you.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! If you worked and were not paid for your labor, you have a lawful right under either the FLSA or state law for equitable payment. It is illegal for employers to unlawfully hold back an individual's wages for work executed. Additionally, if a business erroneously fails to adequately pay you overtime wages, you can seek legal action and request to be reimbursed for those additional hours. Every circumstance is different, and in order for our attorneys to provide you with an appropriate evaluation, we strongly encourage you to reach out to one of our lawyers to help you decide if your wage claim is valid.

In the event that your employer refuses to pay you money that you earned, it is important to note any relevant facts that may be important in your case. These facts may be useful later if you decide to file a lawsuit against the employer for the completed work and unpaid labor. If you are ever in a situation on the job and the numbers aren’t adding up, you should speak with a lawyer who is experienced in wage theft. The law sets a time period for filing a case against your employer for not paying you earned wages. Therefore, it is essential to take action as soon as you suspect that your employer has acted unlawfully.

The duration for settling a wage claim varies. A variety of elements, such as the complexity of the case, whether or not it concludes in a settlement, goes to trial, and if the employer faces litigation on multiple claims, stand as deciding factors. Usually, settlements can be reached faster than the time it would take an attorney to litigate your case in court. Nevertheless, the time that a wage claim can take depends greatly on its complexity. If you need assistance or have questions, reach out to Consumer Attorneys, a firm with an incredible record of claiming millions of dollars for satisfied clients just like you!

Successfully resolving a wage theft case hinges on multiple factors. The chances of winning a claim are higher if you provide strong evidence, have a skilled legal team, and can effectively and convincingly illustrate that your employer has neglected to pay you what the law says you should be paid. At the very least, lawyers for unpaid wages will confidently guide you through the various legal stages from the onset of your case until conclusion. If you worked, worked more than you were required without increased compensation, or were promised money and did not receive it, we want to speak with you.   

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You, (“Client,” “you”), and Consumer Attorneys PLC (“CA” or “we”), located at 8095 N. 85th Way, Scottsdale, AZ 85258 (“CA”) , hereby enter into this limited scope retainer agreement whereby you agree to grant CA the exclusive authority to investigate your potential consumer law claim(s), including but not limited to potential violations of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (“FCRA”), Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (“FDCPA”), Equal Credit Opportunity Act (“ECOA”), Electronic Funds Transfer Act “EFTA”), Fair Credit Billing Act (“FCPA”), and/or the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA”) (collectively referenced as “consumer protection statutes”). 1Please read carefully before signing:


You authorize CA to investigate your potential consumer law claim(s) under state and federal consumer protection statutes. You authorize CA to contact third parties on your behalf for the limited purpose of investigating your potential consumer law claims. “Third parties” include but are not limited to consumer reporting agencies, creditors, lenders, debt collectors, rental agencies, employers, courts, and law enforcement agencies.

CA’s Exclusive Investigative Period

CA agrees to investigate your potential consumer law claims in good faith. By signing this agreement, you agree to give CA the exclusive right to investigate your potential consumer law claim(s) for the next 180 days (“Exclusive Investigative Period”). For the duration of the Exclusive Investigative Period, you agree that you will not communicate with any other law firm or legal representative about your potential consumer law claim(s). You agree to forgo any previously scheduled consultation or case review until CA’s Exclusive Investigative Period concludes.

Termination of Exclusive Investigation Period

CA agrees that the Exclusive Investigative Period may not extend beyond 180 days without your prior written consent.

At any time between the date of this agreement and the expiration of CA’s Exclusive Investigative Period, CA may inform you of the outcome of its investigation. If CA’s investigation reveals that you have an actional consumer law claim, CA may ask you to sign a formal retainer agreement. If CA’s investigation does not reveal an actionable consumer law claim, you will receive an e-mail that states CA will not represent you in any further pursuit of your potential claim(s).

The relationship between you and CA automatically terminates at 5pm on the 180th day of the Exclusive Investigative Period or your receipt of CA’s written notice to decline representation, whichever comes sooner. At the conclusion of the Exclusive Investigative Period or upon receipt of CA’s written declination of representation, you are permitted to seek alternative legal counsel without penalty.

Nothing in this agreement should be construed as a promise or guarantee that CA will represent you in a consumer lawsuit at any point in time. CA reserves the right to decline to represent you for any reason permitted by relevant laws and ethical rules.

Your Involvement and Promises to us

You agree to meaningfully participate and cooperate in CA’s investigation of your potential consumer law claim(s). You agree to immediately inform CA if your mailing address, e-mail address, or phone number changes at any point during the Exclusive Investigative Period.
You agree to provide all relevant information, communications, documents, materials, and all other similar instruments to CA and its representatives during the Exclusive Investigative Period. You understand that your failure to provide all relevant information, communications, documents, and materials to CA during the Exclusive Investigative Period may hinder, delay or otherwise frustrate CA’s investigation of your potential consumer law claim(s).

You agree, under penalty of perjury, to provide complete, accurate, and truthful information to CA. All documents and communications, oral or written, past or future, provided to CA during the Exclusive Investigative Period and anytime thereafter are presumed by CA to be true, complete, and accurate.

Fees and Costs Incurred During Exclusive Investigative Period

CA agrees that you will not incur any out-of-pocket fees or costs during CA’s Exclusive Investigative Period. However, if CA agrees to represent you in a consumer lawsuit, CA may recover the fees and costs incurred during the Exclusive Investigative Period from the Defendant pursuant to a future settlement or judgment.

You agree that CA has a right to place a lien on any future monetary recovery obtained by client related to the claims identified during CA’s Exclusive Investigative Period or as a result of CA’s investigative efforts. If you refuse to cooperate with CA in the formal pursuit of the consumer law claim(s) it identifies during or after the Exclusive Investigative Period, you agree that CA has the right to recover the fees and costs it incurred while investigating your potential consumer law claim(s).

Authorization to Use Your Electronic Signature

CA will send you any and all documents that require your signature. You authorize CA to affix your electronic signature to requests, disclosures, or other forms that CA deems reasonably necessary to the investigation of your potential consumer law claim(s) upon receipt of your approval or after the 7th day after the document was sent to you, whichever comes first. Your electronic signature will be used on any and all other subsequent documents that will need signature, affirmation, acknowledgment, or any other forms of authentication in reference to this matter under the above referenced procedure.

1You also agree to give CA the exclusive authority to investigate potential violations of state-specific consumer protection statutes.

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