Labor and Employment Attorneys

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Fight Workplace Discrimination with Experienced Labor & Employment Lawyers - Get Legal Help Today!

Individual work-related labor issues can sometimes be difficult to pinpoint. Other times, discrimination in the workplace is so open and egregious that it is obvious. Regardless of your situation, if you are facing or have faced workplace discrimination or had your rights violated, hiring a competent attorney is crucial. Our attorneys at Consumer Attorneys understand workers’ rights including wage payments, discrimination, harassment, and wrongful termination, among others.

If you think that your rights were violated, get in touch with our labor and employment attorneys to get the help you deserve!

What Does Labor Law Cover?

Labor law covers a variety of principles. Labor laws are in place to protect both employers and employees with regard to the work environment. A simple way to look at it is that labor law covers what can and cannot be said and done in a work environment. It also covers special classes of people, like those of a particular national origin and age. Moreover, it dictates pay scales, overtime wage rates, breaks, and workplace safety, among other things. Some key areas of labor law include:

  1. Minimum wage and overtime pay stipulations
  2. Regulations requiring meal and rest breaks
  3. Workplace health and safety standards
  4. Anti-discrimination protections

What Do Labor Lawyers Do?                            

Labor and employment attorneys assist when people in workplaces engage in discriminatory practices that are against the law. Labor attorneys advocate for both employers and employees, although it’s more common for labor law attorneys (like Consumer Attorneys) to advocate for employees when they have faced discriminatory practices. Labor and employment attorneys campaign for compliance and also act as a legal voice for employees in claims against employers.

When Do You Need a Labor Lawyer?

You may need a labor lawyer if you are an employer and have questions, but more commonly, when you are an employee and you believe your employer has participated in any of the following:

  • Unpaid or underpaid minimum wages
  • Requiring you to work overtime without pay
  • Have forced employees to work in unsafe and/or hostile work conditions
  • Denied you reasonable accommodations as required by the ADA
  • Discriminated against you because of your gender or sex, race, age, or national origin

Which Industries Have the Most Overtime and Minimum Wage Violations?

It’s unfortunate, but there are some employers who take the labor and employment relationship with their employees for granted. There are industries that have, at times, required employees to work for very low wages and often violate overtime and minimum wage laws. The industries that we most commonly see this in include the food service, retail, home care, janitorial services, and construction industries. This list isn’t exhaustive, and minimum wage and overtime wage violations occur in many industries!

Labor Lawyers’ Fees

Every attorney is different and typically has the freedom to set their fees as long as they are fair and reasonable. Generally speaking, many labor and employment attorneys work on a contingency basis which means that they are only entitled to a certain amount of money that they recover on your behalf in settlements or lawsuits. This can change and is different for all attorneys so it’s best to speak with an attorney to know exactly what their fees are.

What Will You Get When Working with a Labor Lawyer?

A labor lawyer is one who gives sound advice, advocates for you according to labor relations and employment laws, and works to secure a settlement or win a lawsuit on your behalf. An attorney will also be skilled in employment litigation. Prior to the settlement or lawsuit phase, a good labor lawyer will examine your situation and determine if you have a viable case against your employer. This requires labor lawyers to review the facts of your situation, relevant laws, similar cases, and more.

What Does Employment Law Cover?

The U.S. Department of Labor provides an overview and resources as it pertains to the American workplace. It administers and enforces most of the employment laws on the federal side, which include everything from wages, working hours, and health and safety standards, to retirement and employee benefits. Additionally, labor and employment practices, termination of employment, labor relations, FMLA, and more are covered under employment law.

What Do Employment Attorneys Do?

Employment attorneys help both employees and employers with complicated workplace regulations and state and federal laws. With regard to workers, employment attorneys are involved in cases where an employee is mistreated, is involved in labor disputes, faces harassment, isn’t provided accommodations for disabilities, is denied family leave, etc.

When Do You Need an Employment Lawyer?

If you have googled either of the following, you may need an employment lawyer: labor lawyers near me or labor attorney near me. Consumers often need employment lawyers when any of the circumstances above are in question. For instance, if you believe you have faced labor disputes provided by the law, like being discriminated against based on your gender or have faced harassment or were treated differently because you’ve asked for accommodations due to a disability (after following protocol), then you are likely in need of an employment attorney in case your situation requires court and litigation.

Discrimination at Work

Discrimination can present itself in many forms. Essentially, discrimination at work violates labor and employment laws and can be in the form of harassment, stalking, threats, unfair labor practices, unsafe working conditions, and much more. Anything that violates what the U.S. Department of Labor and other laws set in place is in violation of work codes of conduct that must be followed to ensure a safe work environment.

Hostile Work Environment

A hostile work environment is sometimes hard to define and because of this, some employees fail to report unfair labor practices and hostile work environments. A hostile work environment is usually one that subjects certain employees to harassment or bullying of any kind in the workplace. Most cases are based on gender, race, or any other protected class of people.

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

The EEOC is very clear that employees are protected against sexual harassment in the workplace. It is unlawful to harass applicants or employees based on their sex. Sexual harassment occurs when you face any unwelcome sexual advances or if someone requests sexual favors from you. Additionally, any other physical or verbal harassment that is considered to be sexual in nature usually rises to the level of sexual harassment.

Wage & Overtime

If you worked and you were not compensated properly, your employer may have violated labor and employment laws. This applies to both regular and overtime wages.

Severance Negotiation

If you and your employer decide to part ways under certain conditions, you may be required to sign various agreements or contracts known as a severance negotiation or severance agreement. Before signing and agreeing to any terms, you should contact an attorney to determine if the agreement is fair and equitable.

Wrongful Termination

Wrongful termination is WRONG! This means an employer fired or “terminated” an employee based on unlawful grounds due to discrimination and in violation of the law. Additionally, dismissal may be due to sexual harassment, or because you took protected leave, requested accommodations, or reported illegal activities. Your situation may be different from what we’ve included in this article. Regardless of the circumstances, we want to hear from you!

Employment Lawyers’ Fees

Employment lawyers’ fees are the same as labor lawyers’ fees. Labor lawyers and employment lawyers are used interchangeably and often refer to the same type of attorney, which is one practicing labor and employment law. To that end, the same rules mentioned above regarding fee arrangements apply.

What Will You Get When Working with an Employment Lawyer?

What you will get when working with an employment lawyer should be discussed during a consultation. The attorney should discuss whether they believe you have a viable case and what they will assist you with going forward. Typically, a good labor lawyer will be able to help you when you are discriminated against in the workplace and help you recoup lost income, help with reasonable accommodations, negotiate severance packages, and file lawsuits with the court for you.

Who Can We Help?

Our team of employment and labor lawyers represents workers across industries who have experienced discrimination in the workplace. We help people who have experienced sexual harassment, been underpaid, worked in hostile work environments, been wrongfully terminated, faced threats and backlash after requesting accommodations, and more! No matter your situation, we want to hear from you!

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    An employment and labor law attorney will advise you of your rights concerning labor laws, determine if your employer refused to comply with those laws, file a complaint on your behalf, and advocate for you to either gain a settlement or win a lawsuit. Ultimately what a labor law attorney will do for you is ensure your rights are upheld and help you hold an employer accountable when they’ve violated your rights according to state and federal law. An attorney skilled in labor law can help with your claim from start to finish and can be the difference between a large settlement or allowing your employer’s actions to go unchecked.

    You should call a labor law attorney as soon as you believe your rights have been violated. This can mean you weren’t paid minimum wage or overtime pay, or you were discriminated against based on your gender, race, or national origin. If you are required to work in an unsafe environment and required to work under hostile conditions in which you are subjected to sexual harassment or experience physical or verbal abuse from an employer because you requested time off. Whatever the reason, the lawyers at Consumer Attorneys want to hear from you!

    Generally, discrimination at work appears if an employee or applicant is treated less favorably due to their race, religion, color, sex, gender, national origin, or disability status, etc. Discrimination can show up overtly or covertly through microaggressions and other often “hidden” forms of discrimination that are not really “hidden,” because their effect and impact are profound for employees on the receiving end. In fact, the impact of discrimination is so pervasive that it can affect not only your work life but it sometimes permeates into your personal life. If you’ve suffered, you are not alone, and we are confident we can help you.

    A highly qualified labor attorney will assess the facts of your case as well as the circumstances around it in order to come up with the best solution. When filing a lawsuit based on discrimination under labor law, you should be sure you have advocates on your side who know the law and have a history of winning labor lawsuits for their clients. Consumer Attorneys law firm is ready to fight for you just like we’ve done for hundreds of clients. We’ve won millions for our clients. We do not tolerate discrimination, and neither should you!

    Practice Areas
    Our experienced credit report error attorneys help you fight back when you lose out on opportunities due to inaccurate, misleading, or false information in a credit report or other consumer report. This includes common mistakes like clerical errors, mixed credit reports, false deceased designations, and reporting old information (like a bankruptcy). Credit reporting errors lead to things like being denied a mortgage, refinancing, personal loan, or car loan; losing out on a job, apartment, or vacation rental; being rejected for insurance, lines of credit, or store cards; or being barred from getting the best interest rates and loan terms. See more
    Our experienced background check error attorneys help you fight back when you lose out on opportunities due to inaccurate, misleading, or false information in a background check report or tenant screening report. This includes things like false criminal information, misreporting the classification of charges, duplicate criminal entries, failing to indicate dropped charges, and reporting expunged/sealed convictions. Background check errors lead to things like being rejected as a new hire, denied a promotion, blocked from a security clearance, fired from a current job, or denied rental opportunities. They're a problem in the ride-share, store shopper, and personal shopper industries. See more
    Our experienced identity theft attorneys help you fight back against the wide variety of consumer reporting mistakes that happen following identity theft. While you may be able to pursue criminal charges against identity thieves, you are frequently left without options for cleaning up your financial accounts and credit reports. If you’ve filed notices, disputed unauthorized activity, and challenged false loans and fraudulent accounts, but financial institutions and credit bureaus keep including wrongful data in your consumer reports, there are laws that protect you. Some legal options are time-sensitive, so it is important to act quickly to enforce your rights. See more
    Our experienced debt collection harassment attorneys help you fight back against debt collectors and debt collection agencies who (1) aggressively pursue you for payments on personal, medical, or household debts based on misleading, inaccurate, or false information, (2) pursue you for debts in a manner that is in direct defiance of the clearly established debt collection laws, (3) attempt to collect debts on medical bills arising out of covered workers' compensation or Medicaid claims, or (4) use intimidation tactics like falsely implying that a debt must be paid by you immediately, in contradiction to the facts and the law. See more
    Our experienced employment discrimination attorneys help you fight back against illegal treatment at your workplace. Employment discrimination is targeting or preferring employees based on their status as a member of a protected group (or “class”) rather than their work performance, talent, or experience. Protected classes include categories such as age, race, sex, gender, disability, marital status, military status (including veteran status), pregnancy, national origin or ethnicity, religion, and sexual orientation. Employment discrimination can be direct (targeted actions or preferences) or indirect (policies with an unfair impact on one class). Knowing what counts as discrimination involves a nuanced factual and legal analysis. See more
    Contact Us

    You, (“Client,” “you”), and Consumer Attorneys PLLC (“CA” or “we”), located at 68-29 Main street Flushing, NY 11367 (“CA”) , hereby enter into this limited scope retainer agreement whereby you agree to grant CA the exclusive authority to investigate your potential consumer law claim(s), including but not limited to potential violations of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (“FCRA”), Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (“FDCPA”), Equal Credit Opportunity Act (“ECOA”), Electronic Funds Transfer Act “EFTA”), Fair Credit Billing Act (“FCPA”), and/or the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA”) (collectively referenced as “consumer protection statutes”). 1Please read carefully before signing:


    You authorize CA to investigate your potential consumer law claim(s) under state and federal consumer protection statutes. You authorize CA to contact third parties on your behalf for the limited purpose of investigating your potential consumer law claims. “Third parties” include but are not limited to consumer reporting agencies, creditors, lenders, debt collectors, rental agencies, employers, courts, and law enforcement agencies.

    CA’s Exclusive Investigative Period

    CA agrees to investigate your potential consumer law claims in good faith. By signing this agreement, you agree to give CA the exclusive right to investigate your potential consumer law claim(s) for the next 180 days (“Exclusive Investigative Period”). For the duration of the Exclusive Investigative Period, you agree that you will not communicate with any other law firm or legal representative about your potential consumer law claim(s). You agree to forgo any previously scheduled consultation or case review until CA’s Exclusive Investigative Period concludes.

    Termination of Exclusive Investigation Period

    CA agrees that the Exclusive Investigative Period may not extend beyond 180 days without your prior written consent.

    At any time between the date of this agreement and the expiration of CA’s Exclusive Investigative Period, CA may inform you of the outcome of its investigation. If CA’s investigation reveals that you have an actional consumer law claim, CA may ask you to sign a formal retainer agreement. If CA’s investigation does not reveal an actionable consumer law claim, or if CA determines to decline representation for any other reason, you will receive an e-mail that states CA will not represent you in any further pursuit of your potential claim(s).

    The relationship between you and CA automatically terminates at 5pm on the 180th day of the Exclusive Investigative Period or your receipt of CA’s written notice to decline representation, whichever comes sooner. At the conclusion of the Exclusive Investigative Period or upon receipt of CA’s written declination of representation, you are permitted to seek alternative legal counsel without penalty.

    Nothing in this agreement should be construed as a promise or guarantee that CA will represent you in a consumer lawsuit at any point in time. CA reserves the right to decline to represent you for any reason permitted by relevant laws and ethical rules.

    Your Involvement and Promises to us

    You agree to meaningfully participate and cooperate in CA’s investigation of your potential consumer law claim(s). You agree to immediately inform CA if your mailing address, e-mail address, or phone number changes at any point during the Exclusive Investigative Period.
    You agree to provide all relevant information, communications, documents, materials, and all other similar instruments to CA and its representatives during the Exclusive Investigative Period. You understand that your failure to provide all relevant information, communications, documents, and materials to CA during the Exclusive Investigative Period may hinder, delay or otherwise frustrate CA’s investigation of your potential consumer law claim(s).

    You agree, under penalty of perjury, to provide complete, accurate, and truthful information to CA. All documents and communications, oral or written, past or future, provided to CA during the Exclusive Investigative Period and anytime thereafter are presumed by CA to be true, complete, and accurate.

    Fees and Costs Incurred During Exclusive Investigative Period

    CA agrees that you will not incur any out-of-pocket fees or costs during CA’s Exclusive Investigative Period. However, if CA agrees to represent you in a consumer lawsuit, CA may recover the fees and costs incurred during the Exclusive Investigative Period from the Defendant pursuant to a future settlement or judgment.

    You agree that CA has a right to place a lien on any future monetary recovery obtained by client related to the claims identified during CA’s Exclusive Investigative Period or as a result of CA’s investigative efforts. If you refuse to cooperate with CA in the formal pursuit of the consumer law claim(s) it identifies during or after the Exclusive Investigative Period, you agree that CA has the right to recover the fees and costs it incurred while investigating your potential consumer law claim(s).

    Authorization to Use Your Electronic Signature

    CA will send you any and all documents that require your signature. You authorize CA to affix your electronic signature to requests, disclosures, or other forms that CA deems reasonably necessary to the investigation of your potential consumer law claim(s) upon receipt of your approval or after the 7th day after the document was sent to you, whichever comes first. Your electronic signature will be used on any and all other subsequent documents that will need signature, affirmation, acknowledgment, or any other forms of authentication in reference to this matter under the above referenced procedure.

    1You also agree to give CA the exclusive authority to investigate potential violations of state-specific consumer protection statutes.

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