10 Examples of Gender Discrimination in the Workplace

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16 Jul, 2024
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Learn to spot and stop illegal gender discrimination with these top 10 examples of the most common workplace kinds.

Work is a huge part of your life, so facing discrimination at work can really be devastating. Here are ten common ways gender discrimination can appear in the workplace. If you’ve experienced any of these or anything similar, learn what to do next and how Consumer Attorneys can help.

Gender discrimination in the workplace is a serious issue that affects many employees across various industries. It can manifest in several ways, leading to an unfair and hostile work environment. The gender discrimination attorneys at Consumer Attorneys see how gender discrimination impacts a person’s career and overall well-being. This article identifies and highlights ten examples of gender discrimination in the workplace and provides guidance on what to do if you are experiencing such discrimination.

Types of Gender Discrimination in the Workplace

The following examples are what gender discrimination in the workplace can look like:

Unequal Pay

One of the most common examples of gender discrimination in the workplace is unequal pay, usually when equally qualified women earn less than men for performing the same job with the same responsibilities. Despite laws like the Equal Pay Act, gender pay gaps persist and create gender inequality in the workplace.


Harassment is another form of gender discrimination. This can include unwanted advances, inappropriate comments, or any behavior that creates a hostile work environment. Harassment can severely impact an employee's ability to perform their job and feel safe at work.

Gender Identity Discrimination

Gender identity discrimination involves unfair treatment of individuals based on their gender identity or expression. This can include refusing to use correct pronouns, denying access to appropriate restrooms, or not respecting an individual's gender identity. This is gender discrimination. 

Unequal Opportunities

Unequal opportunities refer to unfair treatment in hiring, promotions, training, or job assignments based on gender. For instance, women may be passed over for promotions or given less challenging projects compared to their male counterparts, which limits their career growth and contributes to gender inequality.


Retaliation occurs when an employer punishes an employee for reporting gender discrimination. This can be demotions, reduced hours, or even termination. Retaliation not only discourages employees from speaking out but also perpetuates gender discrimination at work.

Unequal Dress Codes and Appearance Standards

Unequal dress codes and appearance standards often impose stricter guidelines on one gender over another. For example, women might be required to wear skirts or heels, while men are allowed more casual attire. These policies reinforce outdated gender norms and contribute to gender inequality.

Stereotyping and Bias

Stereotyping and bias involve making assumptions about an individual’s abilities or behavior based on their gender. This can manifest in various ways, such as assuming women are less competent in leadership roles or that men are better suited for physically demanding jobs. Such biases lead to unequal treatment. 

Pregnancy Discrimination

Pregnancy discrimination occurs when a woman is treated unfavorably due to pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions. This can include being passed over for promotions, denied reasonable accommodations, or even fired. Pregnancy discrimination not only affects the individual but also sends a negative message about gender equality in the workplace.

Hostile Work Environment

When gender-based discrimination or harassment is so severe that it interferes with an employee's ability to perform their job, the workplace has become a hostile environment. This can include repeated sexist jokes, derogatory comments, or exclusion from work-related activities. Such an environment makes it difficult for employees to feel valued and respected.

Promotion and Advancement

Promotion and advancement discrimination occurs when employees are denied career growth opportunities based on their gender. For example, women might be overlooked for management positions or high-profile projects, limiting their ability to advance within the company. This type of discrimination perpetuates gender inequality and hinders diversity in leadership.

What to Do if You Are Facing Gender Discrimination

If you are experiencing gender discrimination in the workplace: 

  • Document everything. Keep a detailed record of any incidents of discrimination, including dates, times, locations, and witnesses. This will be crucial evidence if you decide to take legal action.
  • Contact our gender discrimination attorneys. We can provide the legal support you need. Our experienced attorneys will help you understand your rights and guide you through filing a complaint or lawsuit.

Gender discrimination in the workplace is an issue that takes many forms. You can address and combat discrimination by understanding these examples and knowing your rights. If you are facing gender discrimination at work, contact our consumer protection attorneys for help.

Frequently Asked Questions

Gender discrimination and gender inequality are related but distinct concepts. Gender discrimination refers to the unfair treatment of individuals based on their gender. This occurs in various forms, such as unequal pay, harassment, and biased hiring practices. It involves specific actions or policies that disadvantage one gender over another. Gender inequality, on the other hand, is a broader term that refers to how society as a whole treats genders differently. It includes unequal access to resources, depiction of gender in movies and television, expectations, opportunities, and rights. Gender inequality is rooted in historical and cultural contexts. While gender discrimination contributes to gender inequality, the latter covers a wider range of issues.

Avoiding gender discrimination in the workplace requires a proactive approach. First, employers should establish clear anti-discrimination policies, communicate those policies to all employees, and enforce those policies. Employers should give regular training on diversity, inclusion, and unconscious bias to raise awareness and promote respectful behavior. Employers should implement fair hiring practices to ensure job postings and interviews are free from gender bias. They can foster an inclusive culture where all employees feel valued and supported. This could include regularly reviewing and adjusting company policies, pay scales, and promotion criteria to eliminate disparities. Lastly, they should hold everyone accountable for maintaining a discrimination-free workplace.

Yes, you can sue your employer for gender discrimination in the workplace if you have been subjected to unfair treatment based on your gender. To initiate a lawsuit, gather evidence such as emails, photographs, and documents. Document discriminatory actions by identifying the time, location, participants, and witnesses to discriminatory incidents. Contact a gender discrimination lawyer at Consumer Attorneys. They can assess your case and determine the best next steps. This could include filing a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or your state’s fair employment agency. These agencies will investigate your claim and may issue a “Right to Sue” letter if they find merit in your case. Your gender discrimination attorney will guide you through the legal process, protect your rights, and improve your chances of a successful outcome.

Daniel Cohen is the Founding Partner of Consumer Attorneys
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Daniel Cohen
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Daniel Cohen is the Founder of Consumer Attorneys. Daniel manages the firm’s branding, marketing, client intake and business development efforts. Since 2017, he is a member of the National Association of Consumer Advocates and the National Consumer Law Center. Mr. Cohen is a nationally-recognized practitioner of consumer protection law. He has a wealth of proven legal experience in the US in: collective claims, representing visually impaired people who believe their rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act have been violated in both the physical and digital environments, corporate governance and dispute resolution. Read more

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