Experian RentBureau Report Dispute: How to do it right?
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- Experian RentBureau Report Dispute: How to do it right?

Landlords rely on Experian RentBureau reports to make tenant decisions. When those reports are inaccurate, the tenant suffers.
Experian RentBureau provides landlords detailed information about a tenant’s rental history upon which those landlords make rental decisions. Sometimes, those reports contain inaccuracies or outright errors. If that has happened to you, there are steps you can take to hold Experian accountable.
If you've been denied a rental property, such as an apartment, due to background check errors from Experian RentBureau, you might be able to sue.
Have you ever been denied tenancy in an apartment, condominium, or house? Have you ever wondered why you were denied as a tenant? Even though it was considered pet friendly, maybe the landlord didn't feel comfortable with your dog's breed. Maybe the landlord had a problem with you smoking. Or, maybe, there were errors on your credit report that killed the deal. Yes, it's true. Errors can exist on anyone's credit report.
To start, you'll want to know about Experian RentBureau, which is associated with Experian, one of the three major credit reporting agencies. Experian RentBureau offers screening services that cater to the multifamily housing industry. Tenants' rent payment histories are provided to landlords and property managers. Those landlords use the consumer report to determine who the best candidates for tenancy might be.
Experian Rental Report
Experian RentBureau can be a valuable tool for landlords. There are times when it can be an asset for potential tenants too. But there are also times when the Experian RentBureau report can create unnecessary problems for tenant applicants. When those problems occur, problems that are no fault of their own, tenant applicants can be denied housing. The inconvenience, reputational damage, loss of opportunity, and financial strain this causes can be significant. How can inaccuracies appear on reports?
- Incomplete data. Sometimes landlords past and present will forget to supply rental payment data to RentBureau. This creates an inaccurate picture of your rental history. If you have been diligent in making payments but your landlord neglects to send that information to RentBureau, it could show up as an error on your part. This will be a problem when you apply for a new apartment or house.
- Errors in reporting. Like any report creator, RentBureau is susceptible to errors. Tenant misidentification can lead to you being confused with some other renter. Misidentification can happen because of a spelling mistake or other administrative error. Sometimes errors in payment records can occur to some misplaced numbers or mere neglect or forgetfulness.
- Limited scope. RentBureau's reports focus on rental payment history. Sometimes this will provide an inaccurate portrait of a tenant’s full financial responsibility and payment behaviors. While rental payments are important, they might just be one part of the picture not adequately captured. Landlords who only use these reports will overlook other circumstances.
Tenants must be aware of these issues and check their reports for errors or incomplete information. If you find any errors or inaccuracies then you must contact Experian RentBureau before you are denied an apartment.
How to Dispute Rental History
Eliminating any inaccuracies from your Experian RentBureau report is essential, especially if you plan on renting a house or apartment in the future. Here’s how to do that:
- Request your report. You are entitled to a free RentBureau report every 12 months or any time you have been denied housing based on information in the report. To request your report, go to the Experian RentBureau website.
- Review the report. When you get your report, review it carefully. Review everything - the spelling of your name, every address, the length of every tenancy, the amount of rent you paid. Look for errors like incorrect payment histories, mistaken identity, missing information, or outdated information.
- If you find an error. Collect any documents that prove that what is in the report is not accurate. This might include bank statements, receipts, or old emails with your landlord or property manager.
- File a dispute. You can dispute inaccuracies either online, by mail, or over the phone. We recommend doing so by mail as doing so online might result in the loss of your right to sue. Write a clear letter identifying all the inaccuracies in your report, why you believe them to be inaccurate, why removal of the errors is appropriate, and provide copies of the documents that prove it.
- Wait and review. The law requires Experian RentBureau to investigate within 30 days of receiving your dispute. They also have to provide you a report of their findings. RentBureau will either change or refuse to change the mistakes in your report.
- Follow up if necessary. If RentBureau’s response is not satisfactory, you should call Consumer Attorneys.
Remember, you have a right to have correct information on your credit and rental reports. Monitoring and disputing any inaccuracies is essential for having a positive rental history profile.
Errors, errors, and more errors!
Experian RentBureau receives updated information every 24 hours, making it easier to identify higher quality residents. Still, the information provided by Experian RentBureau can be inaccurate if the information it receives is inaccurate. When people are denied a rental property, their credit report could be the reason.
A credit report could state a person is a felon when they have no criminal history. It could state a person has filed for bankruptcy even though that never happened. One person's credit report could end up merged with someone else's file, causing one's credit score to plummet. The examples go on and on!
Additionally, it can be very difficult to remove errors from credit reports without aggressive legal representation. This is where Consumer Attorneys comes in. Oftentimes, even though consumers will go through the RentBureau dispute process to get errors removed from their credit reports, credit reporting agencies will drag their feet or ignore the disputes altogether. It is unethical and unacceptable!
When consumers' rights have been violated, they have the right to sue screening agencies, as well as credit reporting agencies, who may be held liable.
Contact Experian RentBureau regarding errors:
- Address: P.O. Box 26, Allen, Texas 75013
- Phone: (877)704-4519
- Website: www.experian.com/rentbureau/renter-credit
Know what's on your credit reports
If you haven't checked your credit reports in a while, you might want to do so. During 2020, American consumers filed more than 280,000 complaints regarding errors they found on their credit reports. Go to www.annualcreditreport.com to receive free copies of your reports. You also have the right to request a RentBureau off report. If any information looks suspicious or unfamiliar, our legal team will be ready to help you.
Consumer Attorneys fights for the rights of consumers nationwide in state and federal courts. We are consumer protection attorneys who are at the center of ongoing fights to make things fair. We know how to settle consumer disputes with the Experian rental bureau.
Consumer Attorneys are credit report lawyers. We will assess your situation as part of a free case review. You can also take advantage of a free credit report analysis. Your circumstances may entitle you to financial compensation.
We'll represent you without upfront fees
As a leading national consumer protection law firm, we offer consumers more than a decade of experience. Our credit report attorneys’ efforts have secured more than $100 million in monetary recoveries for our clients.
If your application as a tenant was denied due to errors in your Experian rental history or RentBureau report, you don't have to wonder how you could possibly afford an attorney. Breathe easy knowing you will pay no out-of-pocket fees. Our credit report lawyers only receive a fee if they win on your behalf!
Let's get rid of those errors. Contact our legal team!
If Experian or Experian RentBureua's reports included damaging errors or if your errors have not been rectified after a proper dispute, contact our team today:
- Call +1 877-615-1725 for immediate assistance and a free case review.
- Fill out our brief Contact Us form or initiate a live chat to share your concerns.
Reach out to us at info@consumerattorneys.com with any questions.
Frequently Asked Questions
A RentBureau credit report is a product of Experian RentBureau, a division of Experian, one of the three leading credit reporting agencies. A RentBureau credit report provides landlords with comprehensive and detailed rental history information for prospective tenants. The report tracks your rent payments, the timeliness of those payments, and whether you missed any payments. Depending on the jurisdiction and the circumstances, these reports could go back as far as ten years.
Experian RentBureau is a business division of Experian, one of the three leading credit reporting agencies in the United States. Experian RentBureau collects and compiles renters’ payment data and then sells that data to landlords when that renter applies for a new rental. Data is collected and updated for all renters monthly so errors happen more often than they should.
While RentBureau might be a division of Experian, they are in the business of separate data sets. RentBureau focuses on rental payment history and rental behaviors with data that landlords and property managers provide. Experian’s business is compiling and selling a much wider range of financial data, criminal history, credit card account and payment histories, financial information, and more general data. Discrepancies between Experian data and RentBureau data occur when information provided solely to RentBureau is inaccurate. This difference provides emphasis on the importance of regularly checking all of your credit reports for accuracy before you might have to rely on them.

Daniel Cohen is the Founder of Consumer Attorneys. Daniel manages the firm’s branding, marketing, client intake and business development efforts. Since 2017, he is a member of the National Association of Consumer Advocates and the National Consumer Law Center. Mr. Cohen is a nationally-recognized practitioner of consumer protection law. He has a we... Read more
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