Associate Attorney

Adam Hubbi

Adam Hubbi is an is an Associate at Consumer Attorneys

Adam Hubbi

Adam Hubbi is an Associate Attorney at Consumer Attorneys since 2024. Prior to joining the Firm, Adam provided worked in Washington, D.C. in the financial regulatory space advising investment management funds, multinational banks, and financial technology start-ups abide by federal and state regulatory schemes. Previously, Adam litigated complex commercial cases, mass-torts, and pharmaceutical patent cases.  


Adam earned his Bachelor of Arts in Biological Sciences from the New Jersey Institute of Technology in 2014. He would later earn his law degree from The George Washington University Law School in 2020. 

Practice Areas
Did you lose out on a mortgage, car loan, job, rental, or other opportunity due to inaccurate, misleading, or false information in a credit report? Not only is this unfair and upsetting, but it can also have broad financial consequences. We explain why credit mistakes happen, how to fix them, and how a skilled credit report lawyer can help. See more
Did you lose out on a job, housing, or other opportunity due to inaccurate, misleading, or false information in a background check report? Not only is this unfair and upsetting, but it can also have broad financial consequences. We explain why it happens, how to fix it, what your rights are, and how a background check lawyer can help. See more
Do you know or suspect that you're the victim of identity theft? This crime has devasting financial and emotional consequences. We explain how this crime happens, how to prevent it, what your legal rights are, and how an identity theft lawyer can help. Read on to empower yourself, then reach out to recover! See more
Unscrupulous, abusive, and harassing debt collection practices can make a hard financial situation feel like mental and emotional torture. You do not have to put up with it! Learn what your rights are under the FDCPA, how to enforce them, and why a debt collection harassment lawyer is your best bet for a full financial and emotional recovery. See more
There are many different types of employment discrimination that people experience. We provide an overview of employment discrimination, how it might affect you because of your age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, race, ethnicity, religion, marital status, gender identity, or medical condition, how you can fight back, and how we can help. See more
Workplace discrimination is WRONG! If you believe you’ve faced workplace discrimination, check out our article and discover your rights, legal options, and how our labor & employment lawyers fight for fair workplaces. Contact Consumer Attorneys now to defend your rights! See more
Our team
Daniel Cohen is the Founding Partner of Consumer Attorneys
Daniel Cohen

Founding Partner

David A. Chami, Esq. is the Managing Partner at Consumer Attorneys Law Firm
David Chami

Managing Partner

Sylvia Bolos is a Partner of Consumer Attorneys Law Firm
Sylvia Bolos


Susan Rotkis is the Partner of Consumer Attorneys
Susan Rotkis


Beth Findsen is a Senior Associate of Consumer Attorneys
Beth Findsen

Senior Associate

Kendra Penningroth is a Managing Associate of Consumer Attorneys
Kendra Penningroth

Managing Associate

Attorney Levi Y. Eidelman - Associate at Consumer Attorneys
Levi Eidelman

Associate Attorney

McKenzie Czabaj is an Associate at Consumer Attorneys
McKenzie Czabaj

Associate Attorney

James Ristvedt is a Managing Associate at Consumer Attorneys
James Ristvedt

Managing Associate

Michael Yancey is an Associate at Consumer Attorneys
Michael Yancey

Associate Attorney

Mehak Rizvi is an Associate at Consumer Attorneys
Mehak Rizvi

Associate Attorney

Jenna Dakroub is an Associate at Consumer Attorneys
Jenna Dakroub

Associate Attorney

Dawn Mccraw is an Associate at Consumer Attorneys
Dawn Mccraw

Associate Attorney

Isabella Barbosa Ruggeri is an Associate at Consumer Attorneys
Isabella Barbosa Ruggeri

Associate Attorney

Tarek Chami is a Senior Associate of Consumer Attorneys
Tarek Chami

Senior Associate

Landon Maxwell is an Associate at Consumer Attorneys
Landon Maxwell

Associate Attorney

Ryan D. Peterson is a Senior Associate at Consumer Attorneys
Ryan D. Peterson

Senior Associate

Attorney Paul Bernard
Paul Bernard

Associate Attorney

Senior Associate Michael Rapp
Michael Rapp

Senior Associate

Associate Attorney David Pinkhasov
David Pinkhasov

Associate Attorney

Associate Attorney Moshe Boroosan
Moshe Boroosan

Associate Attorney

Associate Attorney Catherine Testa Tillman
Catherine Testa Tillman

Associate Attorney

Associate Attorney Emanuel Kataev
Emanuel Kataev

General Counsel & Of Counsel

Managing Associate Janelle Romero
Janelle Romero

Managing Associate

Associate Attorney Meir Rubinov
Meir Rubinov

Associate Attorney

Adam Hubbi is an is an Associate at Consumer Attorneys
Adam Hubbi

Associate Attorney

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