CastleBranch Background Check: Everything You Need to Know

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  • CastleBranch Background Check: Everything You Need to Know
21 Jun, 2024
Daniel Cohen
6 min
man sitting on a white chair with a laptop on his lap

Don’t Let a CastleBranch Background Check Error Slow You Down. Learn How to Dispute Errors & Protect Your Record!

Discover how to correct errors on your CastleBranch background check. Whether it's for employment, education, or professional licensing, our experienced team is dedicated to ensuring your background check is accurate. Learn your legal rights. Get the information and support you need today.

CastleBranch is a company that provides background check services for companies across several industries. CastleBranch offers various types of background checks for employers, volunteer organizations, clinical sites, and licensing agencies. These checks include criminal history, motor vehicle records checks, credit reports, academic and employment background verification, fingerprinting, drug and alcohol testing, immunization records, social media screening, and professional license checks.

CastleBranch has reviewed more than 46 million records across many sectors. Even with an impressive track record, CastleBranch makes mistakes. Continue reading to learn what to do and how background check lawyers can help you when you find errors contained in your CastleBranch background check.

What Do CastleBranch Background Checks Look for?

The specifics of a CastleBranch background check depend on the requirements of the prospective employer. For instance, there may be a request for a CastleBranch criminal background check for all positions, while others may only require criminal checks for roles involving significant trust and responsibility. Common checks conducted by CastleBranch include:

  • Police records – Arrests, convictions, imprisonment, and other legal actions.
  • Criminal background checks, including the sex offender registry.
  • Credit and financial history, including credit history checks.
  • Verification of work status and academic achievements.
  • Professional licensing confirmation.
  • Drug testing.
  • Motor vehicle records.
  • Fingerprinting.
  • Document management & immunization tracking.
  • Social media screening.
  • E-learning training.

The scope of these checks and solutions varies by employer, and any discrepancies found in the reports can be disputed per the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Keep reading to learn how to dispute errors and who to contact.

How Long Does a CastleBranch Background Check Take?

CastleBranch background check results typically take 3-5 days, depending on the employer’s requirements. Checks that require additional research, corroboration with courts, educational institutions, or drug test results may take 7-10 days. If CastleBranch discovers incorrect data, you can request verification, which may take additional time. One way to reduce liability risks from background check mistakes is to correct them promptly upon detection.

Is it Normal to have a CastleBranch Error?

While CastleBranch asserts that its background reports are 99% accurate, mistakes do occur. With millions of records from courts, agencies, and other entities, there are opportunities for errors. Therefore, it is not “normal” to have a CastleBranch error because of the harm the error will cause you including missed job opportunities and the risk of being turned down for rentals. After you get your background screening report, you should pay close attention to determine if errors exist.

Some of the common CastleBranch errors include:

  • Erroneous criminal convictions associated with the wrong person.
  • Documents belonging to another person with a similar name.
  • Incorrect details such as addresses or employers.
  • Outdated information that no longer reflects current circumstances.
  • Clerical errors, such as misspellings or incorrect data entry.
  • Incomplete information missing crucial details or updates.

These errors can have significant consequences, such as hindering employment opportunities or affecting professional licensing.

It is crucial for you to review your background reports carefully and promptly address any discrepancies. Contacting CastleBranch to dispute inaccuracies and providing necessary documentation can help resolve issues. Staying proactive about background checks helps to promote accurate and fair representation in various professional and personal contexts.

What to do about CastleBranch Errors?

If you find an error on your CastleBranch background check, take the following steps:

  1. Seek Legal Advice: Begin the dispute process by consulting consumer attorneys experienced in handling cases involving background check inaccuracies. They will guide you through the entire process, minimizing delays and mistakes.
  2. Obtain Your Background Check Reports: Request copies of your background check report from CastleBranch and other pertinent agencies. You have a right to receive a free copy of any background check report run on you. Carefully review the reports for any discrepancies or suspicious details and document them.
  3. Notify CastleBranch: Inform CastleBranch about any inaccuracies found in your background check report and indicate your intention to dispute these errors. They will provide instructions on the next steps, including initiating a formal dispute.
  4. Inform Your Employer: If discrepancies affect your employment prospects, consider disclosing the issue to your prospective employer. This demonstrates transparency and professionalism despite the inaccuracies.
  5. Draft Dispute Letters: Prepare dispute letters addressed to CastleBranch and other relevant agencies or entities reporting erroneous information. Clearly outline the inaccuracies and include supporting documentation to substantiate your claims.
  6. Send Dispute Letters via Certified Mail: It is advisable to send your dispute letters via certified mail rather than electronically. This ensures proof of delivery and protects your rights. (Some online dispute platforms require you to waive certain rights.) Retain copies of all correspondence for your records.
  7. Follow-Up: Be patient during the dispute resolution process, which typically takes approximately 30 days for investigation under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Regularly follow up with CastleBranch and other parties involved to ensure your disputes are being promptly addressed.

Throughout the dispute process, maintain thorough records of all communications and actions taken to challenge the inaccurate information. This includes interactions with prospective employers, credit bureaus, CastleBranch, and any other relevant entities.

Sample Dispute Letter

Your Name

Your Address

City, State, Zip Code

Email Address

Phone Number




CastleBranch, Inc.

1844 Sir Tyler Drive

Wilmington, NC 28405


Subject: Dispute of Inaccurate Information on Background Check Report


Dear Sir/Madam,


I am writing to formally dispute inaccuracies in the background check report generated by CastleBranch, Inc., on [date of report]. Upon reviewing the report, I have identified the following errors:

  1. Erroneous Criminal Conviction: The report lists a criminal conviction under my name that does not belong to me. The case pertains to [details of the erroneous conviction], which is associated with a different individual.
  2. Incorrect Details: The report incorrectly states my address as [incorrect address]. My correct address is [correct address].
  3. Outdated Information: The report mentions employment details with [former employer], which ended in [end date]. My current employment is with [current employer] as [current position].
  4. Clerical Errors: My name is misspelled as [incorrect spelling]. The correct spelling is [correct spelling].

I have enclosed copies of supporting documents to validate my claims, including my identification, proof of current address, employment records, and court documents proving the inaccuracy of the criminal conviction, and [list other inaccurate information].

As per the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), I am entitled to dispute any inaccurate or incomplete information in my background report. Please conduct a thorough review and correct these errors. I request an updated and accurate report be sent to me at the earliest convenience. I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and look forward to your response.


Thank you for your cooperation.




[Your Name]

[Enclosures: Copies of ID, Proof of Address, Employment Records, Court Documents]


Please note that the sample letter above is merely an example. You should contact Consumer Attorneys for customized help and assistance when drafting dispute letters to credit agencies and background check companies. 

Who to Contact after a Castle Branch Background Check Error?

Background check errors can hinder career opportunities if not addressed. Therefore, after discovering errors in your CastleBranch background check, it’s important to act quickly. You should consider contacting the background check company (CastleBranch), your employer, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), and any other parties that need to be put on notice that an error exists and you would like to dispute the mistakes.

If CastleBranch refuses to remove errors, you have the right to file a CastleBranch lawsuit to recover damages for any harm caused.


Frequently Asked Questions

Daniel Cohen is the Founding Partner of Consumer Attorneys
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Daniel Cohen
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Daniel Cohen is the Founder of Consumer Attorneys. Daniel manages the firm’s branding, marketing, client intake and business development efforts. Since 2017, he is a member of the National Association of Consumer Advocates and the National Consumer Law Center. Mr. Cohen is a nationally-recognized practitioner of consumer protection law. He has a wealth of proven legal experience in the US in: collective claims, representing visually impaired people who believe their rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act have been violated in both the physical and digital environments, corporate governance and dispute resolution. Read more

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