How to Dispute a Credit Report and Win

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24 May, 2024
7 min
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You have the right to an accurate credit report and to dispute errors. Learn how and how Consumer Attorneys can help.

Of course mistakes happen. But when they appear on your credit report, you have to take action. That usually means filing a dispute with the consumer reporting agency (CRA) that prepared the credit report. Sometimes, those CRAs don’t always do what they should (and what the law says they must). Here’s how to file a successful dispute.

Good credit—as evidenced by a good credit report—is essential for most things. Your capacity to buy a home, rent a home, buy a car, get a job, take a student loan, and many other things all hinge on your credit report. While accessing credit may still be possible with a flawed credit report, the terms of the loan or mortgage will not fairly reflect your creditworthiness. 

But mistakes happen, right? Of course they do. This is why the United States Congress included a mechanism for consumers to report and dispute mistakes in the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). But lawmakers telling you that you can dispute credit report errors and actually doing so successfully are two different things. 

As credit reporting attorneys, we have decades of experience disputing errors and inaccuracies in credit reports. This article contains some of what we’ve learned. It will guide you through understanding what's in a credit report, reasons to dispute it, how to dispute a credit report, how to dispute something on your credit report, the consequences of not disputing an inaccurate credit report, and how we are always happy to help. 

What's in a Credit Report?

A credit report is a detailed record of your financial and credit history.  Three primary organizations - called Consumer Reporting Agencies (CRAs) - prepare the credit reports upon which most lenders rely: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. A credit report includes the following information:

Personal InformationYour name, address, Social Security number, date of birth, and employment information.
Credit AccountsDetails about your credit accounts, including the type of account (credit card, mortgage, auto loan, student loan), the date the account was opened, the credit limit or loan amount, the account balance, and your payment history.
Credit InquiriesA list of inquiries from lenders and others who have accessed your credit report. These are categorized into “hard” inquiries, which occur when you apply for credit, and “soft” inquiries, which include pre-approval checks.
Public Records and CollectionsInformation about bankruptcies, foreclosures, lawsuits, wage garnishments, and any debts sent to collection agencies.

Mistakes in any of these categories are disputable no matter how seemingly insignificant or how large the mistake or inaccuracy might seem. Every mistake can have huge consequences for your financial well-being.  

What Are Some Reasons to Dispute It?

There are several reasons to dispute a credit report. Identifying and correcting these issues is essential to maintaining an accurate credit history. Common reasons for disputing a credit report include:

  • Incorrect Personal Information. Errors in your name, address, or Social Security number can lead to the CRAs reporting incorrect data. 
  • Accounts That Aren't Yours. Sometimes, accounts belonging to someone else appear on your report due to a mixed file, identity theft, a misspelling of your name, or a host of other reasons. 
  • Incorrect Account Details. This includes incorrect account balances, credit limits, or inaccurate payment histories.
  • Duplicate Accounts. An account may appear more than once, making your debt seem higher than it is.
  • Closed Accounts Reported as Open. Accounts you've closed might still show as open, affecting your credit utilization ratio.
  • Incorrect Public Records. Errors in bankruptcy filings, tax liens, or judgments can severely impact your credit score.
  • Incorrect Inquiry Information. Unauthorized or inaccurate credit inquiries, hard or soft,  listed on your report lead lenders to believe you are on the cusp of taking out more credit. 
  • Outdated Information. Negative information that should have been removed after seven years (or ten years for bankruptcy) may still appear on your report.

If you see any of these in your credit report - even if it is glaringly evident that it is an error - you must dispute it. 

How to Dispute a Credit Report

Knowing how to dispute a credit report and how to remove errors from a credit report effectively are critical to promptly correcting errors so you can a) obtain credit and b) obtain it at the interest rates and terms and conditions that your real credit history indicates you should. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to correct errors on your credit report:

  • Request Your Credit Report. Ask each of the three major CRAs to send you a copy of your credit report. The FCRA says you can get one free one per year, but that rule has since evolved so that you can now get a free copy every week. 
  • Review Your Credit Report. Carefully review your reports for any inaccuracies or errors.
  • Contact Consumer Attorneys. It is never too early or too late to let us know what’s going on. We are happy to help you at any time. 
  • Gather Documentation. Collect any evidence that proves or disproves the error. This might include bank statements, loan documents, or correspondence with creditors.
  • File a Dispute with the CRA. Write a dispute letter to the appropriate CRA. Clearly state the error, include your personal information, and attach copies of supporting documents. Send your dispute by certified mail so you don’t waive any of your rights. 
  • Contact the Creditor. Disputing the error directly with the creditor or information provider who reported the incorrect information can also be helpful.
  • Follow Up. The FCRA says the CRA must investigate your claim, usually within 30 days. If the CRA resolves the dispute in your favor, it must correct the error. If it doesn’t or if it ignores you, then contact Consumer Attorneys. 

What Happens If You DON'T Dispute an Error?

You don’t HAVE to dispute errors in your credit report. But if you don’t, there could be serious consequences:

Lower Credit ScoreIncorrect information, such as late payments or high balances, can significantly lower your credit score, making it harder to qualify for loans or credit cards with favorable terms.
Higher Interest RatesThose favorable terms include low interest rates. You might still qualify for credit with a lower credit score but at higher interest rates, which cost you more money over time.
Loan DenialsErrors on your credit report could lead to denial of credit applications, affecting your ability to purchase a home or car or finance other significant expenses.
Job OpportunitiesSome employers check credit reports as part of the hiring process. An incorrect report might negatively impact your job prospects.
Decline in Mental & Emotional HealthDealing with the fallout from incorrect credit information can be stressful and time-consuming and affect your reputation, your relationships, your mental health, and your overall well-being.

A consumer protection attorney at Consumer Attorneys can help. 

How a Lawyer Can Help

We can offer you legal advice. Everyone’s circumstances are different so there is no one-size-fits-all solution. We will assess your situation and offer legal advice. We can help you with your dispute letter and help you collect evidence. We can talk to the CRAs and the creditors on your behalf. We can represent you in a lawsuit if we determine that is the best course of action. That might mean negotiating a settlement with the CRAs or it might mean going to trial. We will support you through it all.

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Daniel Cohen is the Founding Partner of Consumer Attorneys
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Daniel Cohen
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Daniel Cohen is the Founder of Consumer Attorneys. Daniel manages the firm’s branding, marketing, client intake and business development efforts. Since 2017, he is a member of the National Association of Consumer Advocates and the National Consumer Law Center. Mr. Cohen is a nationally-recognized practitioner of consumer protection law. He has a wealth of proven legal experience in the US in: collective claims, representing visually impaired people who believe their rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act have been violated in both the physical and digital environments, corporate governance and dispute resolution. Read more

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You, (“Client,” “you”), and Consumer Attorneys PLC (“CA” or “we”), located at 8095 N. 85th Way, Scottsdale, AZ 85258 (“CA”) , hereby enter into this limited scope retainer agreement whereby you agree to grant CA the exclusive authority to investigate your potential consumer law claim(s), including but not limited to potential violations of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (“FCRA”), Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (“FDCPA”), Equal Credit Opportunity Act (“ECOA”), Electronic Funds Transfer Act “EFTA”), Fair Credit Billing Act (“FCPA”), and/or the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA”) (collectively referenced as “consumer protection statutes”). 1Please read carefully before signing:


You authorize CA to investigate your potential consumer law claim(s) under state and federal consumer protection statutes. You authorize CA to contact third parties on your behalf for the limited purpose of investigating your potential consumer law claims. “Third parties” include but are not limited to consumer reporting agencies, creditors, lenders, debt collectors, rental agencies, employers, courts, and law enforcement agencies.

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CA agrees that the Exclusive Investigative Period may not extend beyond 180 days without your prior written consent.

At any time between the date of this agreement and the expiration of CA’s Exclusive Investigative Period, CA may inform you of the outcome of its investigation. If CA’s investigation reveals that you have an actional consumer law claim, CA may ask you to sign a formal retainer agreement. If CA’s investigation does not reveal an actionable consumer law claim, you will receive an e-mail that states CA will not represent you in any further pursuit of your potential claim(s).

The relationship between you and CA automatically terminates at 5pm on the 180th day of the Exclusive Investigative Period or your receipt of CA’s written notice to decline representation, whichever comes sooner. At the conclusion of the Exclusive Investigative Period or upon receipt of CA’s written declination of representation, you are permitted to seek alternative legal counsel without penalty.

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You agree, under penalty of perjury, to provide complete, accurate, and truthful information to CA. All documents and communications, oral or written, past or future, provided to CA during the Exclusive Investigative Period and anytime thereafter are presumed by CA to be true, complete, and accurate.

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CA agrees that you will not incur any out-of-pocket fees or costs during CA’s Exclusive Investigative Period. However, if CA agrees to represent you in a consumer lawsuit, CA may recover the fees and costs incurred during the Exclusive Investigative Period from the Defendant pursuant to a future settlement or judgment.

You agree that CA has a right to place a lien on any future monetary recovery obtained by client related to the claims identified during CA’s Exclusive Investigative Period or as a result of CA’s investigative efforts. If you refuse to cooperate with CA in the formal pursuit of the consumer law claim(s) it identifies during or after the Exclusive Investigative Period, you agree that CA has the right to recover the fees and costs it incurred while investigating your potential consumer law claim(s).

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CA will send you any and all documents that require your signature. You authorize CA to affix your electronic signature to requests, disclosures, or other forms that CA deems reasonably necessary to the investigation of your potential consumer law claim(s) upon receipt of your approval or after the 7th day after the document was sent to you, whichever comes first. Your electronic signature will be used on any and all other subsequent documents that will need signature, affirmation, acknowledgment, or any other forms of authentication in reference to this matter under the above referenced procedure.

1You also agree to give CA the exclusive authority to investigate potential violations of state-specific consumer protection statutes.

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