VIP Preferred eCheck Credit Report Errors
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- VIP Preferred eCheck Credit Report Errors

Casinos rely on VIP Preferred eCheck to give them your data. When there’s an error in that data, you suffer. That’s when you call Consumer Attorneys.
A trip to the casino is supposed to be fun. For many, such a trip is a celebration, maybe even the highlight of their year. When an error in a VIP Preferred eCheck ruins that trip to the casino, there are ways to hold them accountable and recover what you lost. VIP eCHeck accountability starts with a call to Consumer Attorneys. We fight for you.
Did a bounced check, denial of casino credit, ACH hiccup, or some other VIP check cashing snafu ruin your casino visit? You have rights when a VIP Preferred eCheck error creates problems. Your situation could even warrant legal action. Consumer Attorneys can help. We are consumer protection lawyers who have recovered millions for people who have been wronged by inaccurate information in their credit reports.
Consumer reporting companies abound! In fact, there are about 400 consumer reporting agencies in the U.S., with Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax dominating the field. They offer an important service by providing credit and financial information to and about consumers like you. They help businesses - including casinos - gauge the financial risk associated with candidates who apply for credit, insurance, banking services, utilities, employment, and more.
What is VIP Preferred eCheck
VIP Preferred eCheck is the product of a company called Pavilion Payments, Inc. Casinos - both online casinos and Las Vegas’s largest in-person casinos - use VIP Preferred eCheck. VIP Preferred eCheck is a service that permits its users to obtain immediate funds, commonly known as eChecks, either directly from their bank account or in the form of casino credit. There is an enrollment and background check process, and once enrolled, customers link their bank account while VIP Preferred provides the casino with a limit for their transactions. Once enrolled, users can deposit and withdraw funds from participating gaming sites and establishments.
While VIP Preferred is a well-known e-check provider for more than 500 casinos across North America, it also functions as a consumer credit reporting company.
How does VIP Preferred Work
VIP Preferred provides casinos credit histories pertaining to players who wish to establish casino credit. It obtains those credit histories through a number of sources including the three main credit bureaus, Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. Credit reporting agencies are not immune to making mistakes.
While VIP Preferred eCheck offers solutions, errors and inaccuracies in your VIP Preferred eCheck report can happen for a number of reasons, among them errors and inaccuracies with the credit reporting companies upon which they rely. When a group of companies and automated clearing houses engage in millions of automated transactions and authorizations per day, some inaccurate information can inevitably make its way to someone’s report. Clearing houses often prioritize security over individual customer service.
Regardless of how the error happens, an error in your VIP Preferred eCheck can have devastating effects. At the very least, you were not able to get the most enjoyment out of your casino trip. At worst, the error caused reputational and long term damages. This is where Consumer Attorneys steps in.
Laws are violated, Consumer Attorneys rights the wrongs
Consumers can request a credit report from each of the three main credit reporting agencies every week. Additionally, consumers have a right to an annual report disclosure from specialty consumer reporting agencies such as VIP Preferred. Why is this important? Because free annual reports allow consumers to analyze their credit information to identify any errors.
VIP Preferred may have been the behind-the-scenes player that led to you being denied marker credit at one or more casinos. Casinos approve marker credit only when a gambler’s credit/consumer reports indicate low risk to the casino. But there is a more pressing concern: erroneous, damaging information could negatively impact your credit score and should be removed from your credit or consumer reports immediately.
Some consumer reporting agencies have slackened their ethics and put a black eye on the consumer reporting industry - so much so that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has issued warning letters to a number of reporting agencies that behaved unprofessionally and inappropriately.
A number of credit reporting agencies have ignored customers’ disputes, omitted toll-free numbers from websites, made it difficult for consumers to access credit reports, refused to address errors that should have been removed - the list goes on. When any entity violates the law, including violations of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (the “FCRA”), legal action is your best line of defense when justice needs to be served and financial compensation is due.
You can contact VIP Preferred to request your report, which the company must provide free of charge every 12 months and deliver within 15 days of receiving your request.
If you find an error in that report, you should contact Consumer Attorneys. Depending ont he nature and scope of the error and whether you have suffered any damages as a result of that error, you have legal remedies available to you. Additionally, VIP Preferred must respond to your request to fix the errors. If they don’t, you could have additional reason to pursue legal action.
To dispute errors associated with VIP Preferred, you can contact the business directly:
- Address: 7201 W. Lake Mead Blvd., Suite 501, Las Vegas, NV 89128
- Phone: 1-800-500-1973
- Website:
Consumer Attorneys has your back
Once you’ve initiated your dispute with one or more furnishers, all parties involved must perform a good faith investigation to “yea” or “nay” your dispute. Any verified errors must be corrected within 30 days. Consumer Attorneys is here to protect your consumer rights under the FCRA.
We serve clients nationwide and represent them in state and federal courts. We will connect you with a FCRA lawyer near you who will assess your situation as part of a free case review. You can also take advantage of a free credit report analysis. Your claim may entitle you to monetary compensation.
As a leading national consumer protection law firm, Consumer Attorneys offers its clients more than 10 years of consumer protection expertise. To date, our lawyers’ efforts have secured more than $100 million in monetary recoveries for our clients. The attorneys at Consumer Attorneys are skilled, seasoned, and sympathetic.
Also, as our client, you pay no out-of-pocket fees. Our legal teams receive a fee only if they win on their clients’ behalf. If you’re ready for justice, Consumer Attorneys is ready to help!
It’s time to get real results
Contact Consumer Attorneys immediately to ensure your credit report errors are eliminated once and for all!
- Call +1 877-615-1725 for immediate assistance and a free case review
- Fill out our brief contact form or initiate a live chat to share your concerns.
Reach out to us at with any questions, at any time.
Frequently Asked Questions
VIP Preferred eCheck prides itself on its speed and convenience. The time it takes depends on the transaction. Deposit funds are typically available almost immediately while withdrawals can take a little bit longer. While times vary depending on the customer’s location, if they are at a physical casino or online, the time of day, and how busy VIP Preferred is, the standard processing time for withdrawals through VIP Preferred eChecks is usually between two and five business days. This time frame can vary depending on the specific bank and the online or physical casino's processing procedures.
Yes. VIP Preferred is a legitimate business. VIP Preferred eCheck is a payment solution used primarily at casinos, both online and physical casinos. The VIP Preferred program allows its users to make instant electronic check transactions, commonly known as eChecks, directly from their bank account. Customers enroll in the VIP Preferred program, linking their bank account and obtaining a limit for transactions. Casinos rely on VIP Preferred eCheck for consumer data to gauge their risk. Sometimes VIP Preferred eChecks contain background check errors. When that happens, VIP Preferred users suffer reputational damage, gambling opportunities, and the enjoyment of their trip to the casino.

Daniel Cohen is the Founder of Consumer Attorneys. Daniel manages the firm’s branding, marketing, client intake and business development efforts. Since 2017, he is a member of the National Association of Consumer Advocates and the National Consumer Law Center. Mr. Cohen is a nationally-recognized practitioner of consumer protection law. He has a we... Read more
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