All You Need to Know About Asurint Background Checks

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  • All You Need to Know About Asurint Background Checks
14 Jun, 2024
Daniel Cohen
5 min
man examining his asurint background check

Uncover the Risks of Errors in Asurint Background Check Affecting Your Records and Learn Solutions to Fix Them Fast!

Learn about common errors in Asurint background checks, their impact on your records, and the potential for scams. Understand the consequences of these inaccuracies and how to protect yourself. Our attorneys can help you dispute errors and start fixing your credit ASAP. Read on to learn more.

Asurint is an employment background screening company that many employers and property owners use to screen potential candidates. These checks help determine if a candidate has any history that might affect their suitability for a job offer or tenancy. In this article, we will review the Asurint background check, including what information is included, how long it takes, what to do if you find errors, and how to file an incorrect background check lawsuit against Asurint.

What Information is Included in an Asurint Background Check?

Asurint provides a range of background screening packages to meet the needs of different clients. Most searches include: 

  • Criminal records: Records of felonies, misdemeanors, and sex crimes across various states, with some clients also requesting searches of global terrorist watchlists.
  • Employment history: Details of previous employers and positions held.
  • Vehicle records: Information on license plates, driving records, and past offenses.
  • Credit check: Information about financial responsibility, including bankruptcies, collections, liens, and civil judgments.
  • Academic achievements: Verification of degrees, professional licenses, or vocational qualifications.
  • Pre-employment drug testing: Screenings for drug use.
  • Identity check: Verification of names, aliases, addresses, and social security numbers.

The extent of these searches varies by package, industry, and state laws. Clients can customize searches to fit their specific needs and preferences which will help determine what will be included in the background screening.

How Long Does an Asurint Background Check Take?

The turnaround time for an Asurint background check depends on several factors, including the depth of the screening and the speed of information sources. More extensive searches take longer, while simple checks might return results the same or the next day. Asurint claims that 4 out of 5 of their background screenings will return results the same day.

Typically, Asurint provides reports within 1-3 business days, assuming all required personal information is submitted. International searches, which involve multiple countries, might take a week or longer due to complex verification processes. Asurint updates the status of ongoing searches and provides estimates if delays are expected.

How Far Back Will an Asurint Screening Check?

Asurint generally searches back seven years for most records, including criminal history such as misdemeanors, felonies, and incarcerations. Civil lawsuits and tax levies are included in credit reports, and traffic violations cover records of offenses like speeding, DUI, and other related incidents. Drug and alcohol tests reveal results from pre-employment screenings, and employment history checks verify income and employment gaps. For severe convictions such as sex crimes and fraud, records may remain accessible indefinitely. Credit checks typically include financial events from the past 7-10 years, as allowed by federal law. Clients can adjust these parameters based on state laws, their own policies, and the position they are applying for.

What to Do if You Find Errors in an Asurint Background Check?

If you find errors in your Asurint background check, don't panic. Errors can occur for several reasons including a mix-up of consumers with similar names, outdated databases, or clerical mistakes.

However, errors can also be the result of criminal or fraudulent behavior. For example, scammers sometimes get access to personal details that they then use to open fraudulent accounts without consent. This type of behavior is usually categorized as identity theft and is criminal in nature.

If you notice background check errors regardless of the size, you can dispute the errors and have them removed. If you notice accounts you never opened, it is highly likely that a scammer opened accounts in your name that triggered a failed background screening. 

Pro tip #1: Anytime you agree to a background screening, consider requesting a full copy of your background check results. The Fair Credit Reporting Act, also called the (FCRA), requires that background check companies, including Asurint, supply you with a copy of your results when requested.

Pro tip #2: After getting a copy of your background check report, also get a free copy of all three credit reports from Sometimes you will find errors on both reports and will need to dispute errors with the background check company as well as all three credit bureaus (especially if the background company ran a credit check). For this article, we focus on background check errors, but our attorneys can help you dispute both credit and background check errors when you find them.

After getting your background check results, critically pinpoint all errors and any negative information. If you're unfamiliar with a reported offense or if there are mistakes, you should prepare for the Assurint background check dispute process. 

How to Dispute Asurint Background Check Errors

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) gives consumers background check rights. One of the consumers’ rights includes the authority to dispute errors contained in background reports. To effectively dispute errors in a background check, be prepared to submit evidence to Asurint proving the errors, and why they should be removed. Use the steps below to begin the dispute process.

  1. Seek Legal Counsel: Start the dispute process by contacting consumer lawyers with a lot of experience in handling background check error cases. Our attorneys will help you throughout the entire dispute process while helping you avoid unnecessary delays and errors.
  2. Obtain Your Background Check Reports: Request copies of your background check report from Asurint and other relevant agencies. Examine the reports carefully, documenting any inaccuracies or suspicious information.
  3. Report Inaccuracies: If you identify inaccuracies or fraudulent information in your background check reports, report them to the appropriate authorities. This may include filing a report with your local police department and also getting a copy of the police report for your records.
  4. Contact Financial Institutions: If you suspect fraud, notify your financial institutions immediately. They can assist you secure your accounts and prevent further unauthorized activity.
  5. Inform Asurint: Notify Asurint of any inaccuracies or fraudulent information in your background check report. They will provide guidance on next steps, which may include initiating a dispute process.
  6. Prepare Dispute Letters: Draft dispute letters to Asurint and any other relevant agencies or companies reporting the fraudulent activity. Clearly explain why the information is incorrect and provide supporting documentation to substantiate your claim.
  7. Send Dispute Letters via Certified Mail: It's recommended to send dispute letters via certified mail rather than online. This ensures proof of delivery and avoids waiving important rights. Keep copies of all communication for your records.
  8. Report to Regulatory Agencies: Report the fraudulent activity to regulatory agencies like the FTC. The FTC will likely request documentation to support your claim.
  9. Document EVERYTHING: Keep records of the actions you take to dispute the fraudulent information. This includes correspondence with law enforcement, regulatory agencies, credit bureaus, and Asurint.
  10. Follow Up: Be patient during the dispute process because it will take around 30-days for the investigation to be completed. Be sure to follow up with Asurint and other relevant parties to ensure your disputes are being reviewed in a timely manner according to the FCRA. 

Who Can Help with Asurint Errors?

If you find errors in a background check, you can contact Asurint directly to dispute the errors by following the steps mentioned above.

You can contact Asurint by phone at 1-800-906-2034. Also, file your dispute through certified mail by mailing the company using the information below: 

Asurint’s Contact Information:


P.O. Box 14730

Cleveland, OH 44144  

If Asurint fails to correct errors or makes the dispute process difficult, you should consider contacting Consumer Attorneys with extensive experience in background check disputes and FCRA compliance. 

Our attorneys will write demand letters to seek corrections and sue Asurint and data furnishers for monetary damages for the reported inaccuracies. Legal representation is invaluable when challenging incorrect background checks that unjustly impact your life and opportunities.


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Daniel Cohen is the Founding Partner of Consumer Attorneys
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Daniel Cohen
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Daniel Cohen is the Founder of Consumer Attorneys. Daniel manages the firm’s branding, marketing, client intake and business development efforts. Since 2017, he is a member of the National Association of Consumer Advocates and the National Consumer Law Center. Mr. Cohen is a nationally-recognized practitioner of consumer protection law. He has a wealth of proven legal experience in the US in: collective claims, representing visually impaired people who believe their rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act have been violated in both the physical and digital environments, corporate governance and dispute resolution. Read more

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