What is a good credit score for a 30-year-old?
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- What is a good credit score for a 30-year-old?

There isn’t a specific score
See what, if any, is the ideal credit score for someone that is 30 years old.
It’s natural for us, as humans, to compare things. We compare everything from clothes to cars. Since credit scores are numerical representations of financial standing and creditworthiness, we may wonder how we measure up to others in similar situations.
This post addresses what a good credit score should be for a 30-year-old. Keep reading for your answer.
Is there an ideal score?
As a matter of fact, credit scores increase with age. And that’s because time is an essential element in the two major factors that affect your credit score. These factors are your payment history which, according to FICO, makes up 35% of your credit score, and the length of your credit history, which makes up 15% of your credit score.
Time gives your credit score room to grow. However, it’s worth mentioning that credit scoring doesn’t focus on your age. The age of the account matters, not the owner’s physical age.
There is no specific answer to what a good credit score for a 30-year-old should be. People have different lives and face different challenges. In fact, the menace of credit reporting errors could rear its ugly head to mess things up at any time.
It’s better and easier to think in terms of a range of scores and an age bracket as opposed to specific numbers. This is because lenders focus on the score band you fall within instead of your exact score when considering loan applications.
According to Experian, the average credit score for people in their 30’s is in the 668-680 range. Also, credit scores ranging from 661-780 are considered “good”. Therefore, if you are in your 30’s and find your credit score in that range, then rest easy.
In summary
They say comparison is the thief of joy. You might find that your current credit score doesn’t measure up as a consumer in their 30’s. All hope isn’t lost. You can build your credit by applying good financial habits, avoiding whatever makes your credit scores drop, and taking steps to protect your credit. Speaking of credit protection, we can help you with that.

Daniel Cohen is the Founder of Consumer Attorneys. Daniel manages the firm’s branding, marketing, client intake and business development efforts. Since 2017, he is a member of the National Association of Consumer Advocates and the National Consumer Law Center. Mr. Cohen is a nationally-recognized practitioner of consumer protection law. He has a we... Read more
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