¿Qué es un buen puntaje crediticio para una persona de 30 años?

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  • ¿Qué es un buen puntaje crediticio para una persona de 30 años?
22 May, 2023
11 min
puntuación de crédito promedio a los 30 años

No hay un puntaje específico

Vea cuál es el puntaje de crédito ideal, si lo hay, para alguien que tiene 30 años.

Es natural para nosotros, como humanos, comparar cosas. Comparamos todo, desde ropa hasta autos. Dado que los puntajes de crédito son representaciones numéricas de la situación financiera y la solvencia, podemos preguntarnos cómo nos comparamos con otros en situaciones similares.

Esta publicación trata sobre lo que debería ser una buena calificación crediticia para una persona de 30 años. Siga leyendo para obtener la respuesta.

¿Existe un puntaje ideal?

De hecho, los puntajes crediticios aumentan con la edad. Y eso se debe a que el tiempo es un elemento esencial en los dos factores principales que afectan su puntaje crediticio. Estos factores son su historial de pagos que, según FICO, constituye el 35% de su puntaje crediticio y la antigüedad de su historial crediticio, que constituye el 15% de su puntaje crediticio. 

El tiempo le da a su puntuación de crédito espacio para crecer. Sin embargo, vale la pena mencionar que el puntaje crediticio no se centra en su edad. Importa la edad de la cuenta, no la edad física del titular. 

No hay una respuesta específica sobre lo que debería ser un buen puntaje crediticio para una persona de 30 años. Las personas tienen vidas diferentes y enfrentan diferentes desafíos. De hecho, la amenaza de los errores en los informes crediticios podría mostrar su desagradable presencia y estropear las cosas en cualquier momento.

Es mejor y más fácil pensar en términos de un rango de puntajes y un grupo de edad en lugar de números específicos. Esto se debe a que los prestamistas se centran en el rango de puntuación en el que usted se encuentra en lugar de fijarse en su puntuación exacta al considerar las solicitudes de préstamo. 

De acuerdo a Experian, el puntaje crediticio promedio para personas de 30 años está en el rango de 668 a 680. Además, los puntajes de crédito que oscilan entre 661 y 780 se consideran "buenos". Por lo tanto, si tiene 30 años y encuentra su puntaje de crédito en ese rango, puede estar tranquilo.

En resumen

Dicen que la comparación es el ladrón de la alegría. Es posible que descubra que su puntaje crediticio actual no está a la altura de un consumidor de 30 años. No se pierda toda la esperanza. Puede construir su crédito aplicando buenos hábitos financieros, evitando lo que hace que su puntuación de crédito baje y tomando medidas para proteger su crédito. Hablando de protección crediticia, podemos ayudarlo con eso.

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Daniel Cohen
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You, (“Client,” “you”), and Consumer Attorneys PLLC (“CA” or “we”), located at 68-29 Main street Flushing, NY 11367 (“CA”) , hereby enter into this limited scope retainer agreement whereby you agree to grant CA the exclusive authority to investigate your potential consumer law claim(s), including but not limited to potential violations of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (“FCRA”), Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (“FDCPA”), Equal Credit Opportunity Act (“ECOA”), Electronic Funds Transfer Act “EFTA”), Fair Credit Billing Act (“FCPA”), and/or the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA”) (collectively referenced as “consumer protection statutes”). 1Please read carefully before signing:


You authorize CA to investigate your potential consumer law claim(s) under state and federal consumer protection statutes. You authorize CA to contact third parties on your behalf for the limited purpose of investigating your potential consumer law claims. “Third parties” include but are not limited to consumer reporting agencies, creditors, lenders, debt collectors, rental agencies, employers, courts, and law enforcement agencies.

CA’s Exclusive Investigative Period

CA agrees to investigate your potential consumer law claims in good faith. By signing this agreement, you agree to give CA the exclusive right to investigate your potential consumer law claim(s) for the next 180 days (“Exclusive Investigative Period”). For the duration of the Exclusive Investigative Period, you agree that you will not communicate with any other law firm or legal representative about your potential consumer law claim(s). You agree to forgo any previously scheduled consultation or case review until CA’s Exclusive Investigative Period concludes.

Termination of Exclusive Investigation Period

CA agrees that the Exclusive Investigative Period may not extend beyond 180 days without your prior written consent.

At any time between the date of this agreement and the expiration of CA’s Exclusive Investigative Period, CA may inform you of the outcome of its investigation. If CA’s investigation reveals that you have an actional consumer law claim, CA may ask you to sign a formal retainer agreement. If CA’s investigation does not reveal an actionable consumer law claim, or if CA determines to decline representation for any other reason, you will receive an e-mail that states CA will not represent you in any further pursuit of your potential claim(s).

The relationship between you and CA automatically terminates at 5pm on the 180th day of the Exclusive Investigative Period or your receipt of CA’s written notice to decline representation, whichever comes sooner. At the conclusion of the Exclusive Investigative Period or upon receipt of CA’s written declination of representation, you are permitted to seek alternative legal counsel without penalty.

Nothing in this agreement should be construed as a promise or guarantee that CA will represent you in a consumer lawsuit at any point in time. CA reserves the right to decline to represent you for any reason permitted by relevant laws and ethical rules.

Your Involvement and Promises to us

You agree to meaningfully participate and cooperate in CA’s investigation of your potential consumer law claim(s). You agree to immediately inform CA if your mailing address, e-mail address, or phone number changes at any point during the Exclusive Investigative Period.
You agree to provide all relevant information, communications, documents, materials, and all other similar instruments to CA and its representatives during the Exclusive Investigative Period. You understand that your failure to provide all relevant information, communications, documents, and materials to CA during the Exclusive Investigative Period may hinder, delay or otherwise frustrate CA’s investigation of your potential consumer law claim(s).

You agree, under penalty of perjury, to provide complete, accurate, and truthful information to CA. All documents and communications, oral or written, past or future, provided to CA during the Exclusive Investigative Period and anytime thereafter are presumed by CA to be true, complete, and accurate.

Fees and Costs Incurred During Exclusive Investigative Period

CA agrees that you will not incur any out-of-pocket fees or costs during CA’s Exclusive Investigative Period. However, if CA agrees to represent you in a consumer lawsuit, CA may recover the fees and costs incurred during the Exclusive Investigative Period from the Defendant pursuant to a future settlement or judgment.

You agree that CA has a right to place a lien on any future monetary recovery obtained by client related to the claims identified during CA’s Exclusive Investigative Period or as a result of CA’s investigative efforts. If you refuse to cooperate with CA in the formal pursuit of the consumer law claim(s) it identifies during or after the Exclusive Investigative Period, you agree that CA has the right to recover the fees and costs it incurred while investigating your potential consumer law claim(s).

Authorization to Use Your Electronic Signature

CA will send you any and all documents that require your signature. You authorize CA to affix your electronic signature to requests, disclosures, or other forms that CA deems reasonably necessary to the investigation of your potential consumer law claim(s) upon receipt of your approval or after the 7th day after the document was sent to you, whichever comes first. Your electronic signature will be used on any and all other subsequent documents that will need signature, affirmation, acknowledgment, or any other forms of authentication in reference to this matter under the above referenced procedure.

1You also agree to give CA the exclusive authority to investigate potential violations of state-specific consumer protection statutes.

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