Failed a Checkr Background Check Due to Errors? You Can Correct it For Free

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  • Failed a Checkr Background Check Due to Errors? You Can Correct it For Free
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5 Jul, 2024
7 min
checkr background check

If your job was suspended or lost due to an inaccurate Checkr background check report, you are entitled to compensation for your losses.

Checkr is in the business of performing background checks on job candidates and employees. We provide insight into Checkr and explain how it conducts background checks, how errors arise in a background check report, and how to file a dispute to correct inaccurate or misleading Checkr information.

We work extremely hard these days to secure employment and maintain a healthy relationship with our employers. A job not only means a salary and wages, but it can include a host of invaluable benefits, including healthcare coverage, retirement benefits, paid time off, family leave, and tuition reimbursement. Believe it or not, though, all of this can disappear if your Checkr background check reveals misleading or inaccurate information. Errors in your report can lead to the loss or suspension of a job and financial and emotional doom.

What is a Checkr background check? We’ll explain everything you need to know to understand this type of consumer report, including how to dispute Checkr and protect yourself. Consumer Attorneys is a nationwide consumer protection firm with over seventy-five years of experience in fighting for injured consumers. We are here to help if you have been a victim of an erroneous Checkr background check report. 

Please read on to learn more about Checkr, how it conducts its background checks, what to do if you find an error in a Checkr report, and how to file a Checkr dispute. Empower yourself with knowledge and reach out to our skilled consumer protection team today for help.

What is Checkr, Inc?

Checkr, Inc. operates out of San Francisco, California, and Denver, Colorado. The company helps businesses of all sizes by conducting and managing job applicant and employee background checks. Checkr utilizes AI and advanced background check technology in an effort to deliver background checks to companies faster than traditional background check companies.

How Does Checkr Conduct Background Checks?

Once a company orders a Checkr background check from Checkr, Checkr gathers a candidate’s consent to perform a check along with the candidate’s personally identifying information (PII). PII includes such information as a candidate’s first and last name, birth date, Social Security number, and addresses (present and past). Checkr then searches online databases, both private and public, for records that match a candidate’s PII.

When a search is complete, Checkr provides the company with a Checkr background check report on its findings. A Checkr general background check is not without limitations. Federal and state laws regulate the background check process. Among the most critical federal laws in this area is the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). The FCRA and its state law counterparts may limit how and when background checks are performed, the specific information a company can include in a report, and how an employer can use that information.

How Long Does a Background Check from Checkr Take?

According to Checkr’s website, the Checkr background check time for completion is approximately three to five business days. Companies who order a report can access the Checkr Dashboard on the company’s website to learn the details of a Checkr background check status. For example, a business can visit the Dashboard to learn if the Checkr background check process is complete, pending, suspended, or canceled. A Checkr background check turnaround time may vary at times depending on the candidate and the company requesting a report.

What does a Checkr background Check Show?

What does a Checkr background show? Good question. The information included in background checks varies depending on the needs of the particular employer or position and the resources Checkr searches. But for the most part, a report will contain information on a candidate’s criminal history and information that is directly related to the employment position that a candidate is applying for.

Checkr Criminal Background Check

Checkr may search national, federal, and state records to determine if a person has a criminal history. A criminal history will generally show if a candidate was convicted of a misdemeanor or felony offense. Depending on applicable federal and state laws, a criminal background check may also show if criminal charges are pending, were dismissed, or resulted in the offender having to register as a sex offender. Generally, criminal background checks will only search records within a seven-year look-back period (i.e., the seven-year period immediately preceding the date of the background check).

Checkr Background Check for Employment

A Checkr background check will typically show information that is directly related to the employment position that a candidate is applying for. For example, for a candidate looking to get into the rideshare industry, a background check will include information on the candidate’s driving history. By contrast, a candidate seeking to work in the financial industry wouldn’t need a driving record review, but the check will likely include information on that person’s credit history. Depending on the job, a Checkr background check may show information involving civil court cases, credit checks, driving history, past jobs, and education verifications.

Checkr Background Check Scam

Sometimes consumers wonder if a Checkr background check scam is a thing. It is always possible for scammers to pretend to be any entity, so you should always use due diligence when dealing with any company or communications purportedly from a company. You should only expect communications from Checkr if you’ve recently applied for some opportunity, such as a new job. You should be aware that a background check is being run on your data and expect communications. If you’re concerned about the legitimacy of any communications, confirm legitimacy with the individual or entity that requested the background check prior to clicking links or providing information.

What Are the Consumer’s Rights when Verifying Their Background Check?

Checkr background check issues can often arise when Checkr conducts a background check. Consumers do have rights to help resolve these issues and any Checkr background check disputes. According to the FCRA and state and federal laws, consumers generally have the right to:

  • Consent to Checkr performing a background check;
  • Request a copy of Checkr’s background check report;
  • Know what information is included within a report;
  • Know if a report had a negative impact on an employment opportunity and whether an employer used any information in the report to deny or suspend employment;
  • Dispute the information in a Checkr background check report if it is not fair and accurate.

As to the last point, consumers have the right to raise a Checkr dispute or to dispute a Checkr background check on the grounds that information is false, incomplete, inaccurate, or should not have been reported in the first place (such as expunged criminal records). If there is a dispute, then Checkr must recheck the disputed or inaccurate information. In some cases, a consumer has the right to sue Checkr for any damages caused by a Checkr mistakes or errors in a background check report.

Which Companies Use Checkr for Background Checks?

Checkr is a legit company that many businesses turn to for help in obtaining a background check report. Some of the most notable companies that use Checkr include:

  • Uber
  • Lyft
  • GrubHub
  • Postmates
  • DoorDash
  • Netflix, Inc.
  • Coinbase Global Inc.
  • Instacart

Checkr assists companies in a wide variety of industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, retail, and hospitality. 

What do Companies Use Checkr Background Checks For?

Companies use Checkr background checks to learn more about candidates and employees and to determine if they are qualified for a job. Checkr advertises that its use of AI and advanced technology means it can provide companies with more accurate data and quicker processing times. This translates into a faster hiring process for Checkr clients. 

Checkr also informs that it uses an algorithm called Checkr Analytics to help with reporting and visualizations. This Analytics can help a company lower costs, reduce risk, and avoid slowdowns due to delayed background check reports.

Can Errors Occur in Background Checks from Checkr

Yes, Checkr error can take place when the company conducts a background check. These errors can result in a failed Checkr background check and even the loss of a job. In some instances, candidates who believe they were damaged because of a Checkr mistake or error in a background report should consult with a background check attorney for help.

What Causes Errors in Background Checks

Errors in background checks can happen for a variety of different reasons. Some of the most common sources of errors come from people mishandling public and private data. Errors can also happen if an agency’s computer system is outdated or inaccurate or if the agency fails to update its information in a timely manner.

Main Types of Errors

Some of the most common types of background check errors include:

  • Misspelled first and last names or middle names misidentified as first names 
  • Incorrect social security numbers
  • Inaccurate dates for past jobs
  • Erroneous missed payments on a credit report
  • Incorrect charges on a criminal history
  • Inconsistent entries in a civil court record
  • False information on a driving record

How Often Do Errors Occur in Background Checks from Checkr

The unfortunate reality is that background check errors happen quite frequently. One 2018 news study estimated that 25 percent of all background checks have an error. Further, According to an article published by TechTarget, anywhere between 3,400 and 10,200 job applicants in 2021 could have had an error in their background check. 

What are The Consequences of Having Errors in Your Background Check Report?

In some cases, an error on a background check, like a misspelled name, can result in little if any harm. In other cases, however, the consequences of an error can be quite damaging. Depending on the facts of a case, an error could mean that an applicant loses out on a job opportunity or an existing employee gets released from a job. This type of harm can result in the loss of substantial compensation in the form of salary, health insurance, paid sick leave, and other similar benefits.

If Checkr incorrectly reports information about you, Checkr disputes are the next step. After you’ve had the opportunity to dispute, if the errors persist, then the question becomes, “Can I sue Checkr?” At this point, a consumer law firm may be necessary. See below for more information.

You Can Contact Checkr if You Need to Correct an Error in the Background Report

Checkr’s website informs that you can file a Checkr dispute to correct an error on a background report. A candidate or employee can do the following to challenge Checkr wrong information:

  • Dispute a Checkr background check. You can do this by phone, online portal, or using the address provided on the Checkr website to send your dispute via certified mail. (See below.)
  • You can also contact Checkr for questions on a Checkr background check status.

Checkr Background Check Dispute

Checkr must recheck any alleged background check errors once a dispute is filed. Per the FCRA, Checkr has 30 days to complete an investigation into the alleged Checkr inaccurate information. Checkr will notify a candidate or employee once it completes an investigation. The company is obligated to update any information that is inaccurate or incorrect. Checkr is also obligated to contact the client who wanted the background check and notify the business of the erroneous information and that a dispute has been resolved.

Assistance in Disputing a Checkr Background Report

A certain percentage of all Checkr background check reports contain errors. If you are one of the unfortunate people to whom this applies, your best bet will be to get help in disputing a Checkr report. This is particularly true if the dispute is not timely resolved or if Checkr fails to correct the inaccurate information. Unfortunately, both of these problems occur with frequency. Checkr and other consumer reporting agencies also tend to close an investigation into disputed information by simply “re-confirming” the erroneous information. If you know the information is inaccurate, misleading, or false, but Checkr insists otherwise, talk to a consumer protection attorney as soon as possible.

What to Do if You do not Receive Answers to Your Questions on the Background Report

Candidates that file a dispute should follow up by calling Checkr directly to help ensure that questions get answered on a timely basis. Candidates may have to provide further information to support a dispute. There are also times when a candidate may have to work with a prospective employer to help resolve outstanding issues.

If you’ve tried to resolve the delays yourself and gotten nowhere, or otherwise have the sense that the stalls, delays, and roadblocks are not getting any easier, it’s absolutely time to consult a lawyer. 

If Checkr doesn't respond within the 30 -45 day window, "investigates" and insists the information is accurate, or fails to make adequate and complete corrections, talk to a lawyer. CRAs are known for doing shoddy investigations, which is a violation of their obligations and grounds for filing a lawsuit.

Who Can You Contact to Solve the Problem With an Error in the Background Report from Checkr

Sometimes, candidates may have to consult with an experienced consumer protection attorney or credit report attorney for help with Checkr problems. An attorney can contact Checkr on your behalf and make certain that they have complied with the law. A consumer protection lawyer can also contact the agency that made the mistake in reporting and correct any inconsistencies.

Lawsuits against Checkr (some of our cases)

Consumer Attorneys has helped thousands of clients recover from consumer reporting errors, including filing lawsuits against Checkr for background check errors. We have won at trial and successfully settled cases on behalf of our clients. The following is a quick summary of some past victories. Please contact us today if you believe Checkr made an error in your background check report.

Case 1

We sued Checkr on behalf of a client who worked in the rideshare industry, driving for Uber for the previous four years. Checkr performed a background check on the driver and wrongly reported that he had been charged with assault and had a current warrant out for his arrest. The result was that Uber suspended our client’s employment for 20 days, resulting in lost wages and an interruption in healthcare coverage. We filed an action against Checkr on the basis of a violation of the FCRA and settled the case for $50,000.

Case 2

Our client applied for a job with Uber Eats. Checkr performed a background check on our client prior to employment, which falsely disclosed that she was convicted of misdemeanor driving under the influence of drugs. The false information resulted in a sixteen week delay in our client being able to secure employment. Consumer Attorneys filed an action against Checkr under the FCRA and eventually settled the case for $45,000.

Case 3

Checkr performed a background check on our client that showed a criminal record of past convictions, even though those convictions had been set aside. The inaccurate report prevented our client from securing employment with both DoorDash and Uber. We filed an FCRA complaint against Checkr and eventually settled the case for $30,000.

Contact Us When You Need an Attorney to Help with a Checkr Background Report

If you’ve suffered damages due to errors on your Checkr background check, Consumer Attorneys can help. Call us (+1-877-615-1725), email us (, fill out the online intake form, or chat with us LIVE.

As a team of advocates, as well as litigators, we take every client and every situation seriously. And with attorneys nationwide, we’re always right where you need us to be!

Frequently Asked Questions

Checkr tries to complete a background check within three to five business days. However, delays of up to a few weeks can occur if Checkr needs more information from the candidate or employee, there are backlogs in court, Checkr is verifying information, or a candidate made a mistake when providing personal information. Another common factor causing delays arises from candidates or employees who have very common names. Theoretically, and hopefully, an increased amount of review will be given to the data retrieved to ensure that it correctly belongs to the individual for whom the report is prepared. You should contact Checkr directly if there is a delay in receiving your report.

Checkr generally looks for information on a candidate’s criminal history and checks for past behavior that may render a candidate unqualified to fulfill a job. A Checkr background check report may pull information from such resources as criminal and civil court records, driving records, national offender registries, credit histories, past employers, educational records, and references.

Federal and state laws will often determine the breadth and depth of a Checkr background check. With that said, Checkr will generally search records that date back seven years from the date of its search. Federal and state laws, however, may permit Checkr to search records that are dated past seven years. Keep in mind that any information reported in violation of a state or federal reporting window constitutes an error and is a violation of Checkr’s legal obligations under the FCRA. For example, if a ten-year-old conviction is reported in your recent background check, but state law limits the look-back period to seven years for your crime, you have legal rights. Talk to a consumer lawyer to figure out next steps.

According to Checkr’s website, the Checkr background check time for completion is approximately three to five business days. Delays, though, can occur, especially if a candidate provides insufficient or inaccurate information or has a very common name. If it seems as though your background check is taking an excess amount of time, we suggest contacting Checkr directly. Typically, the status of your background check is made available to you either through the Checkr candidate portal, through your employer, or through Checkr itself.

There are several reasons why your Checkr background check status may show as “suspended.” The most common include that Checkr is waiting on additional information from a candidate, Checkr is verifying information, or a search is incomplete. If your background check status shows suspended, you should log into your Checkr Candidate portal or check your emails for more information. You may have to provide additional information to restart the background investigation process.

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Daniel Cohen is the Founder of Consumer Attorneys. Daniel manages the firm’s branding, marketing, client intake and business development efforts. Since 2017, he is a member of the National Association of Consumer Advocates and the National Consumer Law Center. Mr. Cohen is a nationally-recognized practitioner of consumer protection law. He has a we... Read more

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1You also agree to give CA the exclusive authority to investigate potential violations of state-specific consumer protection statutes.

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