Goldman Sachs Background Check Failed

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8 Jul, 2024
4 min
woman in depression sitting on sofa after failed goldman sachs background check

Did you get rejected from a premium Goldman Sachs position due to errors in a background check? Learn what to do next!

Goldman Sachs is a global leader in banking and securities. Its employees must undergo a stringent background check process that includes a criminal background check, fingerprint check, professional license check, and employment verification. An error in any of these can be catastrophic for job applicants. Know what to do and where to get help.

Goldman Sachs, a global leader in investment banking, securities, and investment management, has a storied history dating back to its founding in 1869. Headquartered in New York City, the company operates in numerous financial centers worldwide, including London, Tokyo, Hong Kong, and Frankfurt. With a reputation for financial acumen, Goldman Sachs consistently reports significant profits, often exceeding billions of dollars annually. To succeed like Goldman Sachs, you must have a foundation built on rigor and exceptionalism. This standard extends to Goldman Sachs’s hiring processes. 

For those who apply to work at Goldman Sachs and get to that point in the hiring process where Goldman Sachs orders a background check, an employee background check error can be catastrophic in a world with little to no tolerance for catastrophe. This article provides an overview of the Goldman Sachs background check and how Consumer Attorneys can help if an error in your background check has damaged your professional prospects, reputation, financial well-being, or mental health. 

The Goldman Sachs Employee Applicant Background Check

Goldman Sachs is well-known for its thorough and stringent hiring and background check processes. The company typically outsources this task to Sterling, a leading provider of background check services based in Ohio. The purpose of these checks is to ensure that potential employees meet the high standards expected in the financial industry. By conducting detailed background checks, Goldman Sachs aims to protect its clients, maintain its reputation, and ensure regulatory compliance.

One crucial component is the fingerprint check, which helps verify an individual's identity and uncover criminal records. Another critical aspect of the background check is the verification of professional licenses. For instance, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) oversees licensing for many financial professionals. Goldman Sachs ensures that its employees have the necessary licenses and that these licenses are in good standing. This verification process helps maintain the firm's compliance with industry regulations and protects its clients' interests. Goldman Sachs primarily seeks information confirming a candidate’s qualifications and integrity. This includes:

Background Check ElementDetails
Criminal HistoryAny past criminal activity can be a red flag, especially for positions involving and requiring financial responsibility.
Employment HistoryVerifying previous employment to ensure there are no gaps or inconsistencies in the candidate's job history.
Education VerificationConfirming that the candidate has the educational background they claim to have. In many states, Goldman Sachs cannot ask former employers how much money they made.
Professional LicensesEnsuring that any required licenses are valid and in good standing.
Credit HistoryFor some roles, particularly financial management roles, Goldman Sachs may order a candidate’s credit history as part of a background check.

These checks help Goldman Sachs ensure that their employees are trustworthy and qualified. But a failed Goldman Sachs background check can be devastating for a job applicant. 

Despite the thoroughness of Goldman Sachs’s background checks, errors can and too often do occur. Common errors include mismatched records, outdated information, incomplete records, errors in criminal reporting, and professional license errors. These errors can have significant consequences, including rescinded job offers and damaged reputations. Any error - from clerical to substantive - can have huge effects. 

What to Do If You Find an Error in Your Goldman Sachs Background Check

If you believe there has been an employee background check error in your Goldman Sachs application, contact the consumer protection attorneys at Consumer Attorneys. We have helped thousands of people receive justice and compensation for the damages they endured. We know how to hold background check companies accountable for their mistakes. We know Sterling. We know how to litigate, negotiate, and advocate for you. We know the laws that govern background check reports. 

While Goldman Sachs has high standards for its employees and its background checks, no one has been able to achieve perfection in background checks. If you are facing an employee background check error, Consumer Attorneys will help you navigate the challenges ahead, protect your rights, and get you as close to whole as possible 

Frequently Asked Questions

It typically takes Goldman Sachs one to three weeks to complete a background check for prospective employees. The exact duration will vary depending on the complexity of the applicant’s background, the thoroughness required for the position, and the efficiency of the third-party provider conducting the check, usually a company called Sterling. Delays can occur if there are issues such as obtaining verification from past employers, educational institutions, or professional licensing bodies. Candidates should provide background information as thoroughly as possible and contact Goldman Sachs to inquire about delays. 

The background check process at Goldman Sachs is rigorous and thorough. As a leading financial institution, Goldman Sachs highly emphasizes integrity, compliance, and trustworthiness. The background check includes comprehensive scrutiny of criminal history, employment history, educational qualifications, professional licenses, and, for some roles, credit history. This stringent process ensures that all employees meet the high standards required in the financial industry, helping to maintain the firm’s reputation and compliance with regulatory requirements. Any discrepancies or red flags can significantly impact a candidate’s chances of employment.

Yes, Goldman Sachs may check employees’ credit scores as part of the background check process, especially for positions that involve financial management or fiduciary responsibilities. The credit check helps the company assess a candidate’s financial responsibility and reliability. Poor credit history, significant debts, or financial mismanagement can be red flags for roles requiring handling clients' money or sensitive financial information. However, the weight given to credit scores can vary depending on the specific job requirements and the overall context of the candidate’s financial situation.

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Daniel Cohen is the Founder of Consumer Attorneys. Daniel manages the firm’s branding, marketing, client intake and business development efforts. Since 2017, he is a member of the National Association of Consumer Advocates and the National Consumer Law Center. Mr. Cohen is a nationally-recognized practitioner of consumer protection law. He has a we... Read more

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