PeopleTrail Background Check Peculiarities

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25 Jul, 2024
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Uncover issues with PeopleTrail background checks. Contact Consumer Attorneys to protect your rights.

PeopleTrail background checks can contain errors that negatively impact job prospects and housing options. We explore these peculiarities, your legal rights, and the steps you can take to restore your future. If you've been harmed by a faulty PeopleTrail report, contact Consumer Attorneys for assistance in correcting errors and seeking justice.

Background checks have become an expected component of the hiring process. Whether you are applying to be a cashier, a driver, a teacher, a line worker, a coach, a government worker, a salesperson, an office worker, or any other profession - permanently or temporarily - many businesses view background screening of potential employees as essential for ensuring they bring trustworthy, reliable, and qualified individuals into their organizations. 

However, inaccuracies in background check reports can have severe consequences for job candidates. PeopleTrail, a company specializing in background checks and employment screening, is one such service provider for all kinds of industries. The consumer law attorneys at Consumer Attorneys have decades of experience in disputing inaccuracies in background checks and credit reports. We know the law and we know how to hold companies like PeopleTrail accountable. In this article, we share some of what we have learned including the peculiarities of PeopleTrail background checks, the potential for errors, and consumers’ rights to verify and dispute their reports.

About PeopleTrail

PeopleTrail is a company that provides background screening services to various industries. Its goal is to help businesses make informed decisions by offering detailed reports on potential employees, tenants, and other individuals. PeopleTrail offers various services, including criminal background checks, employment verifications, and rental property screenings. While it aims to provide accurate and timely information, errors in its reports can occur, leading to significant issues for those affected.

How Does PeopleTrail Conduct Background Checks?

Like any other background check company, PeopleTrail retrieves its data on job candidates from various sources and encounters various issues while doing so. 

How Long Does a Background Check from PeopleTrail Take?

The time it takes for PeopleTrail to complete a background check can vary depending on the type of check and the complexity of verifying the information. Generally, a background check from PeopleTrail can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks. Factors influencing the timeline include the responsiveness of the sources they need to contact, the scope of the check they conduct, and the information you provide.

What Information Does PeopleTrail Provide in Their Background Checks?

PeopleTrail provides various information in their background checks, tailored to the needs of their clients. This information can include:

PeopleTrail Criminal Background Check

A criminal background check from PeopleTrail includes information about an individual's criminal history. This can cover arrests, convictions, and incarcerations at the county, state, and federal levels. The goal is to provide employers and other clients with a clear picture of an individual's criminal background to make informed decisions.

PeopleTrail Background Check for Rental Property

For rental property screenings, PeopleTrail provides information that helps landlords assess the reliability and suitability of potential tenants. This can include criminal history, credit reports, eviction records, and references. The aim is to ensure property owners lease to trustworthy and financially stable tenants.

PeopleTrail Background Check for Employment

PeopleTrail employment screening services include verifying a candidate's education, employment history, professional licenses, and other credentials. This can also encompass criminal background checks, credit reports, and drug testing. The objective is to provide employers with accurate information about their potential hires.

What Are the Consumers’ Rights When Verifying Their Background Check?

Consumers have specific rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) when it comes to verifying their background check reports. These rights include:

Consumers’ RightDescription
Right to a Copy of the ReportConsumers can request a copy of their background check report from PeopleTrail to review the information used to make decisions about their employment, tenancy, or other purposes.
Right to Protected AccessYou have the right to privacy. You must give explicit written permission for an employer or anyone to do a background check on you. 
Right to Dispute InaccuraciesIf the report contains errors, consumers can dispute them with PeopleTrail. The company must investigate the disputed information and correct any errors found.
Right to Know if Information Was Used Against ThemIf a decision was made based on the background check report, such as not being hired or being denied housing, the consumer has the right to know this and to receive information about the report that influenced the decision.

Which Companies Use PeopleTrail for Background Checks?

No one type of company or industry uses PeopleTrail. 

What Do Companies Use PeopleTrail Background Check For?

Many companies across various industries use PeopleTrail background screening to ensure they make informed decisions. These checks are typically used for:

Screening TypeDescription
Employment ScreeningVerifying the background of job candidates to ensure they meet the qualifications and do not pose a risk to the organization.
Rental Property ScreeningAssessing the suitability of potential tenants by checking their criminal history, creditworthiness, and rental history.
Volunteer and Contractor ScreeningEnsuring that volunteers and contractors do not have backgrounds that could pose a risk to the organization or its clients.

Can Errors Occur in Background Checks from PeopleTrail?

Yes. Errors happen far too often. No matter how big or how small the error, any error creates an inaccurate portrait of who you are. The FCRA requires that background check companies like PeopleTrail use “reasonable care” when preparing a background check report. If there’s an error, we need to know where it came from and how it got there. 

What Causes Errors in Background Checks?

Errors in background checks can occur for various reasons, including:

  • Data entry mistakes. Human error during data entry can lead to incorrect information being recorded.
  • Outdated information. Background checks might include outdated information not updated in public records.
  • Mismatched records. Sometimes records from different individuals can be mixed up if they have similar names or other identifying information.
  • Incomplete information. Missing information or incomplete records can lead to inaccuracies in the report.

Main Types of Errors

The main types of errors in background checks include:

  • Incorrect criminal records. Listing crimes that the individual did not commit or failing to list crimes that should be included.
  • Wrong employment history. Incorrect or missing employment details, such as job titles, dates of employment, or employer names.
  • Misreported education credentials. Errors in educational background, such as incorrect degrees or institutions attended
  • Inaccurate personal information. Mistakes in personal details like name, address, or social security number.

Any error can result in severe consequences for the individual upon whose report the error appears.

How Often Do Errors Occur in Background Checks from PeopleTrail?

While it is challenging to determine the exact frequency of errors in PeopleTrail background checks, mistakes do happen. The complexity of gathering and verifying information from multiple sources increases the likelihood of inaccuracies. Even a small percentage of errors can significantly impact individuals, leading to job losses, housing denials, and other adverse outcomes.

What Are the Consequences of Having Errors in Your Background Check Report?

Errors in a background check report can have serious consequences. These include the employer, landlord, school, non-profit, or sports league denying you whatever job, apartment, coaching position, or volunteer position for which they were considering you. This in turn can create reputational damage. We know how this goes:

  • Parent A: Was Coach B hired to be the coach of our kids’ soccer team this fall?
  • Parent C:  No. I heard something came up in his background check. 
  • Parent A:  Oh my!
  • Parent D:  Hey folks. What are you talking about?  Heard anything about soccer? 

There is a subtext to failing a background check that will resonate louder and longer than the actual reason. 

This reputational damage subsequently results in damage to relationships, lost opportunities, anxiety, stress, emotional distress, and depression. 

You Can Contact PeopleTrail if You Need to Correct an Error in the Background Report

If you discover errors in your PeopleTrail background check, you should contact PeopleTrail directly to request a correction. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Request a copy of the report. Obtain a copy of your background check report to review the information. Of course, the organization that requested the background check must provide you with one if they took an adverse action based on the report. 
  2. Identify the errors. Make a list of any inaccuracies or outdated information in the report.
  3. Contact Consumer Attorneys. The stage of the hiring process, the nature of the error, the nature of the adverse action, and the totality of the circumstances will determine the best next steps. By contacting a background check lawyer at Consumer Attorneys and beginning the conversation immediately, you establish a relationship with us so that we are ready to roll should a lawsuit become necessary. Additionally, companies like PeopleTrail know how to get people to waive their rights to lawsuits. You must proceed carefully to preserve your rights and keep the likelihood of compensation as high as possible. 
  4. Gather evidence. Your lawyer will likely tell you to collect evidence. This means identifying and saving all the documentation that supports your claim, such as court records, employment verification letters, or educational transcripts.
  5. Dispute with PaperTrail. Your lawyer will also help you with this. You may need to file a formal dispute with PeopleTrail as part of the process. 
  6. Follow up. Keep track of your communications and follow up regularly until the errors are corrected.

What to Do if You Do Not Receive Answers to Your Questions on the Background Report

If you do not receive satisfactory responses from PeopleTrail regarding your background report, you may need to escalate the issue. Again, if PeopleTrail stalls, Consumer Attorneys can help you. 

You Can Sue PeopleTrail if Your Report Contains Errors

Bringing a lawsuit against a background check company like PeopleTrail is sometimes necessary when you have been wronged and are not getting the response the law requires. A lawsuit can accomplish several things. It can hold PeopleTrail accountable for their non-compliance with the FCRA. It can put your job candidacy back on track. It can get you some compensation for the damages you’ve suffered. 

Who Can You Contact to Solve the Problem With an Error in the Background Report from PeopleTrail?

If your attempts to correct errors with PeopleTrail are unsuccessful, you may need to take legal action. You can contact a consumer law attorney specializing in background checks and the FCRA. An attorney can help you navigate the legal process and hold PeopleTrail accountable for any inaccuracies that have caused you harm.

Assistance in Disputing PeopleTrail Background Report

Disputing a background report can be complicated, and professional assistance can be beneficial. In addition to all the filings and communications and negotiations and courtroom appearances, knowing a lawyer is working on and taking care of things allows you to focus on yourself, your family, and undoing the damage PeopleTrail has done. 

An attorney can help you understand your rights, navigate the dispute process, and take legal action if necessary. They can provide the guidance and support needed to ensure that your background check report is accurate and that you are not unjustly harmed by any errors.

By working with a qualified attorney, you can protect your rights and seek justice if you have been wronged by PeopleTrail. Don't let inaccuracies in your background check report affect your job prospects, housing opportunities, or personal reputation. Contact Consumer Attorneys to discuss your case and take the necessary steps to correct any errors.

Frequently Asked Questions

A red flag on a background check is a serious concern that could significantly impact a person's eligibility for a job or housing. Examples include a criminal conviction, employment history discrepancies, false resume information, or poor credit history. These issues suggest potential risks to employers or landlords and often require further investigation or clarification from the candidate before making a final decision.

An orange flag on a background check indicates a moderate concern that is less severe than a red flag but still warrants attention. Examples include minor criminal offenses, inconsistencies in personal information, or employment gaps. While these issues might not automatically disqualify a candidate, they typically prompt additional questions or require clarification to ensure their suitability for the position or housing.

Yes, it is perfectly acceptable to ask about the status of your background check. Inquiring about the status shows your interest and proactive approach to the hiring or application process. Employers or screening companies can update you on the progress and inform you if any additional information is needed. It also helps you stay informed and address any potential issues promptly. It also opens the door for the employer or landlord or youth rec league to get clarification on a former employer’s phone number or any other thing that might be causing a delay.

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Daniel Cohen is the Founder of Consumer Attorneys. Daniel manages the firm’s branding, marketing, client intake and business development efforts. Since 2017, he is a member of the National Association of Consumer Advocates and the National Consumer Law Center. Mr. Cohen is a nationally-recognized practitioner of consumer protection law. He has a we... Read more

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The relationship between you and CA automatically terminates at 5pm on the 180th day of the Exclusive Investigative Period or your receipt of CA’s written notice to decline representation, whichever comes sooner. At the conclusion of the Exclusive Investigative Period or upon receipt of CA’s written declination of representation, you are permitted to seek alternative legal counsel without penalty.

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1You also agree to give CA the exclusive authority to investigate potential violations of state-specific consumer protection statutes.

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