Page 16: Consumer Rights Blog

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companies that lied on financial statements
8 Jan, 2024
Daniel Cohen
Why Your Credit Score Isn’t Actually Yours and Other Lies Consumer Reporting Companies Tell
Do You Know Who Really Owns Your Credit Score? (Hint: It's Not You)
2 min
equifax coding blunder
22 Apr, 2024
Daniel Cohen
How an Equifax Coding Blunder Led to Millions of Incorrect Credit Scores Issued to Lenders
Equifax Coding Snag Led to Millions of Erroneous Credit Scores Issued to Lenders
11 min
hyundai capital check payment
22 Apr, 2024
Daniel Cohen
Hyundai Capital America’s $19-Million Credit Reporting Catastrophe, Explained
Hyundai’s $19-Million Credit Reporting Catastrophe, Explained
11 min
fcra permissible purpose
22 Apr, 2024
Daniel Cohen
What the FCRA is a Permissible Purpose?
What the F(CRA) is a Permissible Purpose?
8 min
how to write a credit dispute letter
24 Jul, 2024
Daniel Cohen
How to Write a Dispute Letter to Credit Bureaus
How to Write a Dispute Letter to Credit Agencies
6 min
banned from all dating apps
22 Apr, 2024
Daniel Cohen
Automated Background Reporting Mistakes Might Get You Banned from Dating Apps
Automated Background Reporting Mistakes Can Get Users Banned from Dating Apps
5 min
medical debt removed from credit report
22 Apr, 2024
Daniel Cohen
In the News: Changes by Credit Reporting Bureaus Could Wipe Your Medical Debt From Your Credit Report
Up to 70% of medical debt will be removed from Americans' credit reports starting July 2022
6 min
uber background check denied
26 Jul, 2024
Daniel Cohen
What to Do When A Background Report Gets You Denied for a Rideshare Job
What to Do When A Background Report Gets You Denied for a Rideshare Job
5 min
receiving letter from law firm about debt collection
22 Apr, 2024
Daniel Cohen
Are you receiving debt collection letters? Send them to Consumer Attorneys
Getting a letter in the mail from a debt collector saying you owe money can be alarming.
4 min
how many hard inquiries is too many
3 Jul, 2024
Daniel Cohen
Multiple inquiries can impact your credit score - how many is too many?
Having lenders or landlords pull your credit report, also known as an inquiry, is a normal part of applying for things like housing or loans. But is there such a thing as too many inquiries, and can they detriment your credit health?
11 min
milliman intelliscript report
3 Jul, 2024
Daniel Cohen
What to Do When A Milliman Intelliscript Report Leads to Being Denied for Life Insurance
While many consumers have never heard of a consumer reporting agency known as Milliman IntelliScript, they may be surprised one day to find this entity has disqualified them from obtaining insurance.
6 min
how to remove hard inquiries from your credit report
22 Apr, 2024
Daniel Cohen
Hard Inquiries Are Compromising Your Credit Score? Here’s What You Can Do
Hard inquiries appearing on credit reports are normal, and if you’ve applied for a form of credit, you have them on yours.
5 min

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