Page 5: Credit Reporting Attorneys

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  • Credit Reporting Attorneys
A worried Vietnamese man sits on the couch
19 Apr, 2024
Daniel Cohen
Why Vietnamese US Citizens Are Vulnerable to Identity Theft and Background Report Errors
In yet another example of the carelessness of the Credit Reporting Agencies (CRA’s), Vietnamese Americans have an increased risk of reporting errors because they don’t have that many names to go around.
3 min
ofac alert on credit report
22 Apr, 2024
Daniel Cohen
False OFAC Alert on Credit Report: How to Solve Error?
If you had the misfortune of being erroneously flagged as a terrorist on your credit report, you need to read this.
4 min
credit bureau investigation
22 Apr, 2024
Daniel Cohen
Government Investigation Finds Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian Failed to Address Errors in Consumer Credit Reports
While certainly no surprise to attorneys like us who deal with these agencies all the time, it's nice to see the government start to take notice.
6 min
solar panel fraud
25 Jul, 2024
Daniel Cohen
Solar Panel Fraud and Credit Reporting
A relative newcomer on the judicial landscape, solar fraud cases are becoming more and more common.
7 min
irs thinks i'm dead
3 Jul, 2024
Daniel Cohen
Credit Karma and the IRS Think I’m Dead! What Next?
Thousands of Americans are being incorrectly reported as deceased every year by the Social Security Administration.
6 min
companies that lied on financial statements
8 Jan, 2024
Daniel Cohen
Why Your Credit Score Isn’t Actually Yours and Other Lies Consumer Reporting Companies Tell
Do You Know Who Really Owns Your Credit Score? (Hint: It's Not You)
2 min
equifax coding blunder
22 Apr, 2024
Daniel Cohen
How an Equifax Coding Blunder Led to Millions of Incorrect Credit Scores Issued to Lenders
Equifax Coding Snag Led to Millions of Erroneous Credit Scores Issued to Lenders
11 min
hyundai capital check payment
22 Apr, 2024
Daniel Cohen
Hyundai Capital America’s $19-Million Credit Reporting Catastrophe, Explained
Hyundai’s $19-Million Credit Reporting Catastrophe, Explained
11 min
fcra permissible purpose
22 Apr, 2024
Daniel Cohen
What the FCRA is a Permissible Purpose?
What the F(CRA) is a Permissible Purpose?
8 min
how to write a credit dispute letter
24 Jul, 2024
Daniel Cohen
How to Write a Dispute Letter to Credit Bureaus
How to Write a Dispute Letter to Credit Agencies
6 min
medical debt removed from credit report
22 Apr, 2024
Daniel Cohen
In the News: Changes by Credit Reporting Bureaus Could Wipe Your Medical Debt From Your Credit Report
Up to 70% of medical debt will be removed from Americans' credit reports starting July 2022
6 min
how many hard inquiries is too many
3 Jul, 2024
Daniel Cohen
Multiple inquiries can impact your credit score - how many is too many?
Having lenders or landlords pull your credit report, also known as an inquiry, is a normal part of applying for things like housing or loans. But is there such a thing as too many inquiries, and can they detriment your credit health?
11 min

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